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KidZone Replacement Rumors & Speculation (Pt 2)

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I just don't see anything like this getting added until after Epic Universe opens.

But I agree that even though it is a "KidZone", there should still be a more thrilling/family-friendly attraction featured within it.
I think it's valid to ask whether it would be better to just stand pat for a couple years in anticipation of the big opening of EU or to lead up to it with the opening of two potentially underwhelming additions, Minions and Kidzone. That feels very different then keeping your foot on the gas with yearly additions like Bourne and Veloci.
We're suddenly acting like theme parks in general are the height of maturity and sophistication. I'm a guy who will argue up and down that theme parks are art, and even I'm not going to pretend that that's true.

The area doesn't need an E. It needs at least one Fantasyland-style D. That's all.
I'd rather them drop three DL Fantasyland C's in there if if we're being truly honest. My point is, it doesn't need to be a kiddie area meaning a place you basically dump your kids and take a break. Adults and kids should be able to have fun together here, just like in a fantasyland style area ideally.
Theme parks need smaller attractions. Kids have clue who Fievel is. Now more characters will have a home for meet and greets and kids can play in areas with characters they recognize.

This is a bonus last minute update before Epic opens.

I’ll take the win.

It's a win for little kids, I guess, but it could have been a win for everybody (and the park overall).

I'd much rather wait until 2026 or 2027 if it meant getting a fully-realized land with new attractions (larger and smaller).
I'm guessing this was a pretty last-minute decision. Wouldn't it have been a better idea to move Despicable Me into KidZone, opening up the entrance for a redo?

In any case, I have a feeling this is gonna last a lot longer than what some are expecting. Would not be surprised if it's still here 10 years later. They're making the same mistake they made with DM/Minions all over again. I seriously doubt they plan on getting rid of any of this shortly after EU opens to build anything more substantial.
It's a win for little kids, I guess, but it could have been a win for everybody (and the park overall).

I'd much rather wait until 2026 or 2027 if it meant getting a fully-realized land with new attractions (larger and smaller).
Eh, the park needed something for 2024 and it'll, at the very least, marginally upgrade the park going forward and bring it out of the 90's.

I would've liked something a bit more grand, but it's nice to see something happening here.
Honestly seems both strange and lame if the retheme is simply gonna be slapping dreamworks properties on what's already. Like I get why it's not a diagon or Nintendo world level land but not even a new ride? I thought them reusing SLOP but rethemeing to something would be a lock for a kidszone revamp.

They really should've just done this years ago if this all their gonna do. Hopefully this is a limited time thing until a full redo or at least we'll get a dark ride down the road.
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Still think Kung Fu Panda Adventure for 2024 in Kidzone would be a major win. Would tie in really well with KFP4 coming out around Spring, would blend in as a core attraction for a DreamWorks equivalent of Fantasyland, and it has one of the best finales for a movie theater based theme park attraction period.

Have to hope there's more of a reason to why this could be a 2024 deal.
I'm guessing this was a pretty last-minute decision. Wouldn't it have been a better idea to move Despicable Me into KidZone, opening up the entrance for a redo?
Move it into a building they seem to not be willing to construct?

I am going to use Dollywood as an example. The park has made note that they don't like the idea of a specifically kids area which is why they try to incorporate a mix of thrill levels in each of their sections of parks. The concept of having one area in the park just for kids is off putting and kinda obligatory if you have small kids as the rest of the park isn't geared towards them.
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Move it into a building they seem to not be willing to construct?

I am going to use Dollywood as an example. The park has made note that they don't like the idea of a specifically kids area which is why they try to incorporate a mix of thrill levels in each of their sections of parks. The concept of having one area in the park just for kids is off putting and kinda obligatory if you have small kids as the rest of the park isn't geared towards them.

I was just thinking they could've killed two birds with one stone. I agree about having a mix of thrill levels all over the park. A family ride could've easily replaced DM/Villain Con.

Instead they're doubling down on keeping Minions right at the front of park and are expanding Dreamworks' presence in the park (after 6 years of ownership) via a cheap retheme. Just seems like a bad decision imo.
Fantasyland ???
Disney ???

I thought this was a USF thread and can we stop making comparisons to try to fit certain narratives ??

We are absolutely jumping to conclusions with this project before any shovels hit the ground or walls start to go up. A nice E ticket would be amazing for this plot of land but at the moment that doesn’t seem to be in the plans. Not even one piece of concept art has come out yet.
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Here's my thing. I'm speculating that this will open in 2024. Why would a basic retheme take over a year to build? Universal builds pretty fast. Why close it this January? That says to me that there will be at least one brand new attraction. Could be a couple of flats, could be DreamWorks Theatre, could be the Kung Fu Panda boat ride. There will be something.

Also, why announce the closure three months ahead of time? These aren't exactly fan favorite attractions.
They are closing it in January as thats the earliest time after the Holiday Rush. No reason to close it sooner, and no reason to wait any longer after that.

This is clearly a cheap overlay to increase synergy, freshen up an area of the park, and probably increase merch sales. This doesn't appear to be some big expansion, rebuild, or addition. I know we'd all love it's a small Trolls after all or something else big, but being pissy because it's not what *you* wanted is pointless. It's something to freshen up the park before EU opens. That's where the budget is right now. They could have left it as is and not done anything.
Here's my thing. I'm speculating that this will open in 2024. Why would a basic retheme take over a year to build? Universal builds pretty fast. Why close it this January? That says to me that there will be at least one brand new attraction. Could be a couple of flats, could be DreamWorks Theatre, could be the Kung Fu Panda boat ride. There will be something.

Also, why announce the closure three months ahead of time? These aren't exactly fan favorite attractions.
If they did DWT it would likely be a new show. KFP at USH is going on 5 years of age next year and USH could very well be looking at changing it out. Considering they built Transformers in a year a new attraction a new dark ride is not out of the question. I hope it is Bad Guys themed but It will likely be Trolls. But on the flip side whatever dark ride they put there would give USF its equivalent to SLOP at USH which many fans here on the east coast have been pining for every since SLOP opened.
My only hope is that something new gets added. If it's mostly a lateral retheme of the area, then ideally a new flat ride. The Kung Fu Panda lantern spinner from Beijing would especially look great at night and draw people into the land.
Also, why announce the closure three months ahead of time? These aren't exactly fan favorite attractions.
Shrek 4D got about four months of warning, and that wasn't beloved either. I think Universal's growing fan community is a factor, which might explain why they announced this so early. In the past, even rides like Jaws, Dueling Dragons, Twister, and T2-3D had only a month or two of warning between an announcement and their respective closings.
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