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MSHI Expansion?

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Here's my opinion on the MSI look. Not only do I love it but I adore it. It brings you back to a time when comic books were nothing but fun, stealing the Statue of Liberty would be a plot line and it wouldn't have been taken seriously. It takes the good ol days of comics without it looking tacky or obnoxious (no tiny dots on characters, no pastel colors ect). I see it as an loving homage, are the cut outs lame? Kinda but it makes the area look more alive and that's all that matters. As theme park areas go, I rather have this then the gray, dead serious nature of the new movies....boring
Here's my opinion on the MSI look. Not only do I love it but I adore it. It brings you back to a time when comic books were nothing but fun, stealing the Statue of Liberty would be a plot line and it wouldn't have been taken seriously. It takes the good ol days of comics without it looking tacky or obnoxious (no tiny dots on characters, no pastel colors ect). I see it as an loving homage, are the cut outs lame? Kinda but it makes the area look more alive and that's all that matters. As theme park areas go, I rather have this then the gray, dead serious nature of the new movies....boring

Grey dead serious nature of the movies? Uhh...have you ever watched a Marvel movie? Lol
Grey dead serious nature of the movies? Uhh...have you ever watched a Marvel movie? Lol

While they aren't as grimdark as their DC counterparts (or Daredevil), let's be honest, we're never going to get an MCU movie where Doc Ock tries to steal and ransom the Statue of Liberty. Which even as I type it makes me smile. It's a classic silver age comic book plot.
Grey dead serious nature of the movies? Uhh...have you ever watched a Marvel movie? Lol

The final scene of the first avengers gave people PTSD over 9/11. Comical at points? Absolutely but superheroes aren't what they once were. Also they are definitely grey, captain America 2's palette was red white and gray. Dull colors compared to the island
The final scene of the first avengers gave people PTSD over 9/11. Comical at points? Absolutely but superheroes aren't what they once were. Also they are definitely grey, captain America 2's palette was red white and gray. Dull colors compared to the island

PTSD? Yea no.

Captain America 2 was also a spy thriller. Captain America 2 was full of crazy stuff and concepts, and included a song and dance number written by the Sherman brothers. So yea
I agree with Cole. As goofy as the Marvel movies can be, they're set in the real world, at least aesthetically speaking. You can't translate goofy concepts and songs and one liners into a theme park land, it's all aesthetic. The current Marvel island is fun and vibrant and that's really what a theme park should be. The only environment in the new movies that would make for an interesting theme park land is Stark Expo IMO. Everything else is just basic real-world environments. "Gray", maybe not, but definitely not fun theme park material.
If Hulk receives a significant overhaul, what are the odds of the metal detectors being integrated into the theme?
What if the retheme removes all the points where something can bet dropped?


Opinions seem to vary, but just from reading this thread I was under the impression that we're most likely getting a general retheme (or major improvements to the existing Hulk theme) + retracking for certain sections. If the design of the coaster gets modified...great! Maybe they could improve the back half of the ride a bit; inversions are always fun but there's nothing in it that makes me say wow. Though I hope they keep the first...oh, 10-15 seconds of the ride intact :p
I'm really not sure how I feel about the idea of realistic vs comic either way. I love the look the area has as a whole but I have heard people mistake the comic book aesthetic for cheapness before, and that's saddened me.
I think an integration of more detailed environments while keeping the theme and feel of the island in tact might be our best bet...
I think there's a different between aesthetic / design philosophy, and the actual execution of that design. I also really love the current design philosophy of MSHI, but I agree the cutout characters etc don't look great and really don't fit with the modern high-quality look UOR is taking on. I agree with the points raised that the island has a buzz and 'fun' factor about it which would be hard to replicate in a totally realistic environment; the monochrome queue props in Spiderman for example are half the fun and make it unique. I also like the blocky colours rather than realistically textured materials used in the buildings, and the very colourful lighting used throughout the island. I would like to see this production design kept, but perhaps with slightly more detailed buildings and without the cutouts.

Also (and I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet), why build a realistic environment for Marvel when New York sits right next door in US?
I don't think they should build new York. Just iconic locations and buildings of Marvel stuff. Would be cool to see a stark tower. if they did enclose Dr doom the could make one tower oscorp and the other stark tower.
I don't think they should build new York. Just iconic locations and buildings of Marvel stuff. Would be cool to see a stark tower. if they did enclose Dr doom the could make one tower oscorp and the other stark tower.

Why not enclose the whole thing together and make it Avengers tower?
PTSD? Yea no.

Captain America 2 was also a spy thriller. Captain America 2 was full of crazy stuff and concepts, and included a song and dance number written by the Sherman brothers. So yea
I didn't pull that example from my head that was a real issue when it came out. The site of buildings being destroyed by monsters from the sky brought people to that connection and messed them up. Captain America 2 was far from the silly fun nature of the comics MSI is based on. For the most part it took itself almost too seriously, your thinking of the first one with the music number and red skull, that was goofy but not MSI goofy
I was under the impression that with Marvel Super Hero Island was that it was supposed to feel like you were stepping into the world of Marvel Comics? How do you modernize that or say that it looks "cheap"? The area could definitely use a refurbishment, but to make it realistic would defeat the purpose. Why not make Seuss Island more like the 3D movies and not the books? (ignore the fact the Seuss' widow wouldn't allow that).
I was under the impression that with Marvel Super Hero Island was that it was supposed to feel like you were stepping into the world of Marvel Comics? How do you modernize that or say that it looks "cheap"? ]

MSHI is indeed supposed to look like you've stepped into the comic books (hence locations being named "STORE" or "DINER", as you would see in the background of comic book panels, or why the queue of Spider-Man is monochromatic). The problem is, nobody gets it. So I can understand the desire to modernize. At a certain point in time very soon, more people on this Earth will associate "MARVEL" with movies than comic books.