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MSHI Expansion?

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I didn't pull that example from my head that was a real issue when it came out. The site of buildings being destroyed by monsters from the sky brought people to that connection and messed them up. Captain America 2 was far from the silly fun nature of the comics MSI is based on. For the most part it took itself almost too seriously, your thinking of the first one with the music number and red skull, that was goofy but not MSI goofy

Yea, I meant the first Cap had the musical number. And if you think Winter Soldier was too serious, you need to watch it again. Man of Steel is too serious. Winter Soldier has PLENTY of comedy.
Yea, I meant the first Cap had the musical number. And if you think Winter Soldier was too serious, you need to watch it again. Man of Steel is too serious. Winter Soldier has PLENTY of comedy.

I'm 95, I'm not dead.
Yea, I meant the first Cap had the musical number. And if you think Winter Soldier was too serious, you need to watch it again. Man of Steel is too serious. Winter Soldier has PLENTY of comedy.

By comedy your talking about a few funny quips during fight scenes. Guardians is comedy and doesn't take itself seriously. Captain America 2 was serious and had a grayscale pallette lol. There is nothing in winter soldier that represents the fun and wacky marvel that is represented in MSI
By comedy your talking about a few funny quips during fight scenes. Guardians is comedy and doesn't take itself seriously. Captain America 2 was serious and had a grayscale pallette lol. There is nothing in winter soldier that represents the fun and wacky marvel that is represented in MSI

You're right. A member of a Nazi spinoff cult being kept alive through 60's era computers and a guy who dresses like a bird to fight what amounts to smaller versions of Star Destroyers is totally super cereal and not fun or wacky at all. My fault.
You're right. A member of a Nazi spinoff cult being kept alive through 60's era computers and a guy who dresses like a bird to fight what amounts to smaller versions of Star Destroyers is totally super cereal and not fun or wacky at all. My fault.
If I can just chime in here... I didn't see Man of Steel, any of the Thor movies or Cap 2 because they all looked too serious by their trailers. Out of all of those, I at least want to see Cap 2, as i've heard nothing but praise, but still. Just an outside voice from someone who saw strictly the previews.

Guardians made me want to see it because of how fun it looked and incredible word of mouth. That's the difference. Cap 2 doesn't come off as being "fun". It comes off as very serious.
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DC movies take themselves too seriously, but Marvel isn't all sunshine and fun. Ultron had plenty of darker moments and a darker color palette throughout. The only Marvel movie that doesn't take itself seriously is Guardians.
You're right. A member of a Nazi spinoff cult being kept alive through 60's era computers and a guy who dresses like a bird to fight what amounts to smaller versions of Star Destroyers is totally super cereal and not fun or wacky at all. My fault.

Sounds goofy in concept, but they take themselves seriously. It's just the way superheroes are nowadays
Agree to disagree. There's a very wide gap between "taking themselves too seriously" and silver age comic books.

There is, marvel movies aren't edgy and dark but they aren't bright and fun silver age either. The overall point is it does represent the island anymore and to me that's a great thing
Somewhat true, we do have Loki and Ultron and in the future, Thanos but besides that; I do agree that Marvels villans are extremely boring and Weak.

I think that's mostly because the Marvel movies have mostly focused on a hero's personal journey much more than the conflict between the hero and their respective villains. The villain is there to highlight the hero's personal struggle much more than to be a defining character.

Also, I'd argue Alexander Pierce was an effective/interesting villain in Cap 2, and Sam Rockwell made Justin Hammer supper interesting, but outside of Loki and Ultron most of the others have really been side characters in the films.
I think you should probably see it before saying that. Not once did I think, "Man this movie really needs to lighten up!"
I said it "comes off" that way. Meaning to the person that HASN'T seen it, that's the impression the previews gave.
Well, let's be fair here, new Spider-Man is just bad in general.

But...I like the new ones

I had a thought while riding Hulk the other day (besides the fact that I hope I don't get head trauma from hitting the restraints),

If they could find a way to ditch the OTS restraints, I would be a happy camper
But...I like the new ones

I had a thought while riding Hulk the other day (besides the fact that I hope I don't get head trauma from hitting the restraints),

If they could find a way to ditch the OTS restraints, I would be a happy camper
The horse collars are leaving. But there will still be over the shoulder restraints. Much more comfortable. And on board audio. Sub woofer under your butt!
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The horse collars are leaving. But there will still be over the shoulder restraints. Much more comfortable. And on board audio. Sub woofer under your butt!

Wow, they are going right to town!

EDIT: Wait, you cannot know that stuff and not know whether it will be based on a new character or not... :sneaky:
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