Pandora: The World of Avatar Announcement, Construction, & Preview Discussion | Page 64 | Inside Universal Forums

Pandora: The World of Avatar Announcement, Construction, & Preview Discussion

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Any less attractions or things to do with even less hours for a long period of time are really going to seem bad to guests who are paying the same price as the other parks for Animal Kingdom. There is enough land and such to work with this project without shutting anything down.
If FotLK closes and not only does Avatar not happen, but the show not at least get moved to the Africa section (which I think is very possible if Avatar doesn't happen), then that will be a complete embarrassment as far as i'm concerned. DAK needs something new, not projects getting canceled and current offerings closing because TDO is too cheap.
ha..Camron is a nut. He's already talking about Avatar 4. DUDE. Finish the second film, at least before talking about a possible "prequel". Kinda boring to only want to make Avatar movies for the rest of your life, No?
If anyone is interested just how ego-centric the man is (and to see how issues between him and WDI could be hindered by it), he's been making the rounds the last few days offering backhanded compliments about other people's films and how his are better. (Also, his obsession with money is on full display in the "pushing" Titanic over $2 billion comment.)

On The Avengers:

“They got close. They didn’t break the $2 billion-dollar barrier, there’s only two in the club. But you know, come on, let’s go guys. Look, I want Hollywood to be as successful and vibrant as it always has. Hopefully a movie will come along next year and show everyone what’s possible because that just benefits us all. On the other hand, if that shouldn’t happen for another ten years that would be good too. … It’s kind of a no-lose situation. We managed to push Titanic right over the $2 billion mark with the re-release, so I’m happy about that.”

"I thought it was a real crowd-pleaser, lots of fun [and] funny, funnier than [I expected]. I thought leavening it was important because ‘Titanic’ is not exactly a laugh riot."

On Jurassic Park and how he was beaten to the rights by a few hours:

" But when I saw the film, I realised that I was not the right person to make the film, [Spielberg] was. Because he made a dinosaur movie for kids, and mine would have been 'Aliens' with dinosaurs, and that wouldn’t have been fair.

“Dinosaurs are for 8-year-olds. We can all enjoy it, too, but kids get dinosaurs and they should not have been excluded for that. His sensibility was right for that film, I’d have gone further, nastier, much nastier.”
So, I just decided I won't be seeing any of his **** in theaters.
Agreed, how dare he say JP is a kids movie..why? Because there are kids in it?

Woooo:jaw: NARCCICISM to the 100th power.
Now, I'm not saying JP is an "amazing" or perfect movie, but I sure as hell enjoy it a lot more than Cameron's films. And talking about childish things... this is the man who decided the badass cybernetic hulking warrior of the future should go out like this...

Kate Winslet has flat-out said she'd never work with him again. Leo danced around it... but pretty much said the same thing.

James Horner also refused to work with him or talk to him for 10 years and Orson Scott Card has said that he is "selfish and cruel".
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I say whatever hate on him all ya want and take his comments out of context, his movies are great and they make lots of money and he can say what he likes about anothers movie. Only difference is he makes them, so he has a little more cred.

Now all of you go to the movie thread and start calling out anyone who has an opinion about a movie...:lol:
I say whatever hate on him all ya want and take his comments out of context, his movies are great and they make lots of money and he can say what he likes about anothers movie. Only difference is he makes them, so he has a little more cred.

Now all of you go to the movie thread and start calling out anyone who has an opinion about a movie...:lol:

This isn't "out of context". He is NOTORIOUS for this type of behavior. And the point isn't that he has an opinion... but that he compares other movies to his own and then implies that his are better. Nobody is saying he can't have an opinion... but to be egotistical and arrogant is a different story. I don't care how much "cred" he has.

You know who had cred? Stanley Kubrick. And he HEAPED praise on other filmmakers. In fact, he made the same point about Spielberg that Cameron turned into a condescending pat on the head. Kubrick handpicked Spielberg for AI because the film "matched his sensibilities." Know how he put it? He said that if he (Kubrick) made it... it would turn out awful and strange, but that Spielberg could make something better of it.
So another rumor from WDWMagic detailing this from someone that seems to get info, but I can't back up their legitimacy:

As far as Everest, all I can say is keep waiting.. But Rhode is trying to bite of a chunk of the Avatar budget (since it was delayed/in limbo/never happening) and fix the yeti, address issues with infrastructure near dinorama, and build a new attraction in the area next to (huge space) Flights of wonder . (in addition to the removal/move of the train and a new path there to Rafiki's).

Yes, you heard it here first, the Avatar budget is officially being cannibalized at this point.
Well, that's a real shocker.

And I am not holding my breath for the yeti.

Nor am I, first they have to open a major expansion in order to close it for a refurb. And at this rate, well you know...
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