Rode this today for the first time since coming out of refurbishment. It was…okay. There still seem to be some timing issues, with everything starting JUST late enough to notice but not enough to make it seem like a genuine error or glitch. The only thing I noticed that was new was the animation in the turntable room…but you couldn’t really notice it because it didn’t trigger until well after we started rotating.
Ride itself is still great, but was a little surprised to feel a good amount of rattle (not rough, just not “smooth”). The annoying abrupt stops are still as abrupt as I remember from before.
In all, I don’t really see what justified such a long closure. I kind of imagine this whole thing was like when you forget to save or accidentally delete a project and have to start from scratch…you KNOW where everything is supposed to go and are 99% sure of how to replicate everything, but there’s always something not quite right with the second version. I gotta think them tinkering with it to get it back to that original timing was what took the bulk of time in the refurb before UO finally said screw it, it’s not worth keeping it closed over (which, FWIW, is a decision I’d agree with 100% if that actually was the case).