Let me explain without being a condescending turd for a second, but also give you an understanding of where I'm coming from, along with a few others on here. I'm an old school HHNVault user. So firstly, the condescension and jabs were considered tough love back then, so that's where I get it from. *I swear I feel like the "get off my lawn" guy but I'm not.* In that time and still at HNN, there were logical threads of thinking how you get from one point to another, almost like a murder case. So there was a displayed thought process in the speculation that you're coming up with and a lot less posts, because people were too busy figuring it out on their own and then presenting their case. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not too dense to understand that there is a pandemic with no announcements, so there isn't really much you can do without repeating yourself at the moment. HorrorNightNightmares has basically gone dark for the moment because there isn't much going on and so users have stopped posting. We have 22 pages of speculation over there. There's really no reason why we should have 365 in this particular thread.
Now, I've reacted to posts, given hints and left enough breadcrumbs along the way to the extent that my clues would have been eaten alive in the Vault. I understand this isn't the Vault, but it just feels like to me and some vets, that people aren't even trying to piece things together and they're just wanting the info on a platter. So that gets frustrating. I was talking to another veteran member and they said it was fun to be piece things together and then taking a shot at an educated guess based on all of the clues/info people have stated before.
I used to be in the shoes of those that don't have any sources. Sometimes, I wish I was back there again, but the information is like a drug and I can't go back now. However, as much as I may come off like a jerk sometimes, I'm sympathetic to the members that don't have inside info, but I'm just encouraging those that are truly interested in the event, to be detectives about it. This can take awhile, but the clues are all there and I guarantee it'll feel rewarding at the end. Also, as a disclaimer understand that we cannot give the "answers" that we have from the sources we've gathered.