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The Old HHN 30 Speculation Thread (2020)

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Billie is under Universal Music so the rights are an easy lock.

There's only two outside of Universal IP that's fate could really be altered by external circumstances and its a safe bet to assume that IP is Hill House. Well, that is unless there's something wild going on with Texas Chainsaw that we're currently unaware of
So if there is an issue and universal has theme park rights to beetle juice I’m assuming it would be either hill house or Texas
Or The Thing since legit everybody and their moms had been begging for it forever

Yeah but I just don’t know if they had that capacity for all the puppetry after some of the other houses.

Is Texas Chainsaw 3D relevant enough to even justify pulling it? I just don’t see a lot of people caring. The other three I could see people caring

Under normal circumstances there’s about two IPs that aren’t on the marketing.
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It's hard to see exactly, but it looks like it translates to "All ye who enter will spend way too much money." It's an old Celtic enchantment.
If there was a "you win the day" medal on this forum, I'd bestow it upon you...if I had the authority

NY is huge, crowds are low, and I don’t think they are running the parade...I think they could go nuts with it.
Let's pump the brakes on some things here.

1. The parade floats are utilizing 70% of their normal route, as they still go to NY, up to Fallon and turn around. Floats also exit the park via Hollywood in the morning and go out for photo ops in front of the arch. The only area they could theoretically go crazy with, would be Shrek Alley, which I don't see, because it's already tight through there. HOWEVER, they could do some sort of "flying monkeys" trick like they did during the OZ SZ several years ago and that was mentioned on here previously.

2. Since the budget is being cut by the day, I wouldn't expect much out of NY in the way of big props. My guess is they could do some projection mapping here. What I'd personally like to see, is some festive window decorations and lighting(if they can get into the windows). This could feel like a classic Utopian Halloween city feel that's been upset by some widespread event where the lights all go out in sync. I'm thinking they could do some sort of scary version of the Osborn Lights, but in short bursts? Something where people won't look around and say...."man this is bare." It would also be just as easy to do nothing at all.

Hope it’s TC3D.

Might just be me, but I don't see the creators/distributors etc. of TC3D being all of that concerned how their brand looks during a pandemic.

Although, I hope you're right.
For whatever reason, I feel like if anything were to be cut that wasn’t Billie, it would be HOHH before any of the other IPs. It’s still an ongoing franchise with a new season coming up, so the folks at Netflix possibly could have some concerns over how the optics are perceived.
The whole park is being impacted. What they don't want, is people loitering or constricting the street size any more than it is, so SZ's have taken the brunt of the hit.
Part of me wonders if they'll remove one or two areas where zones would normally be to optimize crowd flow, since having any kind of performers on the streets, distanced or not, is bound to create some congestion occasionally.
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What is likely to happen:
Hollywood and New York become "scare" zones with actors only on stages. Central Park becomes an "atmospheric" zone with maybe a handful of actors behind the fence (sort of like the blood eagle prop from Vikings). San Francisco, Plaza of the Stars and Chainsaws get the axe for both financial and practicality reasons.
As of now, there's a plan to have something in plaza. Whatever that means.

I've also heard rumblings of a return of our favorite vampires. How are they going to suck your blood from beyond 6 feet? That's the question of the night.
Wait, as in.. ANOTHER sequel to Vamp? Hmm. Idk how to feel, on one hand I'm happy because Vamp 85' was a pretty good SZ. But the concept is just starting to get repetitive, but thats just me.
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