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Theme Parks: Night Photography

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Outstanding :thumbs: What setting did you have it on?
Thanks Mike, I had it set at 55MM with ISO at 100 and the f/stop set at 5.6. Then ran a few exposure times with this one turning out the best at 13 seconds :thumbs:
Here are a few others from last night including my lame attempt at some fireworks shots.



Those firework shots came out perfect. You didn't blow out the highlights and the coloring came out great. I actually have been wanting to try from back there also. How crowded was it back there?
Those firework shots came out perfect. You didn't blow out the highlights and the coloring came out great. I actually have been wanting to try from back there also. How crowded was it back there?

Not crowded at all. It was me and probably like a dozen or two other people from Belles to Gastons Tavern.
Lame attempt?! Those are beautiful shots! What settings do you use for fireworks? That certainly doesn't look like long exposure, but the blacks are deep and the colors very rich. I likes very mucho :thumbs:
^ Thank you. Here is tonights attempt at some firework shots. Mike I think it helped, and I definetely learned more today and tonight then I have in all my previous attempts.

^ Thank you. Here is tonights attempt at some firework shots. Mike I think it helped, and I definetely learned more today and tonight then I have in all my previous attempts.



HTF you nailed it man, great job:thumbs:

^ Thank you. Here is tonights attempt at some firework shots. Mike I think it helped, and I definetely learned more today and tonight then I have in all my previous attempts.


Oh yeah, now your cooking. Amazing shot :thumbs: my next visit I want to try from that same area but want to go up stairs to the left of your spot and shoot from the balcony.
Oh yeah, now your cooking. Amazing shot :thumbs: my next visit I want to try from that same area but want to go up stairs to the left of your spot and shoot from the balcony.

I've tried from up there recently, and the lights that illuminate the pavilion towards the end of the show can be a real pain to try and shoot around. I don't know how people have gotten the shots from up there to turn out like they do.
I've tried from up there recently, and the lights that illuminate the pavilion towards the end of the show can be a real pain to try and shoot around. I don't know how people have gotten the shots from up there to turn out like they do.

I don't know if they photoshop there way around that or not. Did you get any good ones from that spot you'd like to post? Love to see some from that spot
I got absolutely no shots I liked out of that night, partly due to the lights throwing off the auto focus and making it hard to manually focus with the glare.

One thing I did my last try with Wishes was shoot in manual the whole time. That way the lens wont fight and will take the shot when you need it to and not miss it. I just focused on the castle and let it be and got a few decent shots
Yeah, I had to do that with the middle portion when I shot from Rivers of America, only I focused on the riverboat instead of the castle. I always shoot with BULB for fireworks, so I'm always in manual. That remote has really helped the most, I think.
Setting for the previous shot posted was f/20 at 8 seconds with ISO at 100.

This was also taken last night and I got it at f/20 over 13 seconds
