No one will take me seriously because I've never made any exclusive finds or pictures...etc but heres my input.
I view this forum EVERYDAY. It is my favorite website to come to for this stuff and to be honest, its the only one I come to, to find out about Universal and other parks around the area. I occasionally peek at Screamscape to see if anything interesting about any other parks was announced. I think this forum is the best and have some of the best staff from the area.
I like art and am pretty good with photoshop, even took a class for it. Let me just tell you, those "leaked" images are
totally fake. I could honestly make a replica of that! Here's the font that the little faker used and all he did was put a background up, add that font, pretty it up with some "glow" effect on the text and then just find a logo and stick it on it call it good and voila, OMG ITS TRANSFORMERS I FOUND CONCEPT ART ITS REAL! Then he sparks mass confusion and wreaks havoc upon the Orlando area like a radioactive deception

ound: haha sorry I have a little bit of an imagination
Anyways, it's fake and whoever made will be in trouble big time. Universal is probably laughing at the people who thought it was real as well as the fact that everyone seems to know that its Transformers yet still uncertain! Haha how crazy