Huge companies have fallen plenty of times. Often times companies that we never thought would go down, but usually it takes one huge event for that to happen and set the ball rolling, and that hasn't happened yet with Disney. Or there has to be enough of a new product that comes along that just makes it obsolete. People don't usually say "We're going to Orlando" or "We're going to Universal Studios" most of the time they say they're going to Disneyworld. As someone who massively prefers Universal to Disney I wish that were different, but it's not. And it wouldn't hurt my feelings if that changed at all. Maybe one day, but it'll take a lot longer than the time it takes to build a few new attractions. You have to overcome a generation of people believing that Disney is not only the best option, but in essence the only option.
As a side note, I'm a moderator on an Alabama football board, and I find it interesting to see how the dichotomy changes from one subject to the other. Here, you have to worry about news being scooped and pulled to another site, and while that happens on the football side of things, the bigger issue is trolls coming in doing everything they can to disrupt and I just haven't seen that here. So good on y'all for that. Just an observation from someone who loves people watching.