Man i wish everything was built today! I cant wait!!! lol Transformers, Diagon Alley, Hogwarts Express, Gringotts, Springfield, JP expansion, Disaster refurb, Kid zone refurb! i mean when you put it on paper it's nuts! Disney better get going. And i know we have said all this a million times over but honestly Universal is so awesome and are gonna spoil the hell out of us! And after all that there still will be more land and ideas to come. I for one am never gonna let go of King Kong..and both King Kong and Fast and the Furious would be perfect in the Hollywood area. Also in IOA after the JP expansion i would love to see them do something with the big theater between Marvel and Toon Lagoon. Any realistic ideas you guys would like to see?? for the theater or for attractions in general?..btw i know this is off topic but im bored and wanna start a good discussion and idk how to start a thread haha