Universal’s Cinematic Spectacular - Nighttime Show | Page 54 | Inside Universal Forums

Universal’s Cinematic Spectacular - Nighttime Show

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They are indeed projecting an image on both sides of the water screens and the image is not mirrored. There were a couple of instances were I noticed the other "reversed" image bleeding through, but it was hardly noticable. VERY impressed that they're able to do this.
Mike talked about this in a interview the other day. Apparently because the water droplets are round it provides 2 separated surfaces to project on. He also talked about the music score and basically gave a list of all the songs used in the show.
^ I am so stymied that they can actually do this. It suggests that the lamps used on the fan sprays are much much brighter in order to show through the opposite side while using only one projector.
Caught it Saturday and it blew my mind. The finale was FANTASTIC and did launch from all locations, just completely magical. I would watch this again if I was at Universal during the night.
I watched the show yesterday. It was entertaining but nothing amazing. There were no fireworks which surprised me. I would have enjoyed it much more with fireworks.
The storm had ended long before the show started so I'm not sure why we didn't get any. They were shooting the promotional footage Sunday night also so I thought they would've wanted fireworks for those shots. Hopefully it was just a one night fluke and not a decision to cut the fireworks portion.
^ Because they had not prepped for rain perhaps?... it was unexpected yesterday. So, the charges may not have been covered for the storm and gotten soaked. There are lightning rods everywhere in the park... so I doubt it was because of that.
The rain at the park last night was terrible and came from out of nowhere! It was a downpour for about 10min then just constant rain from about 6:30-7:45. I have no doubt the rain put the dampers on the fireworks.
Do we know what time universal would have been setting up the charges for the 9pm show? Considering 3 of the 4 launching sites are on top of metal surfaces... (I forget if Simpsons is over metal as well)
From the Park Hours page:

Attraction Closures:
Universal's Cinematic Spectacular: No shows on 5/4, 5/11, 5/18, 6/2, 9/6 - 9/8, 11/10 - 11/11 and 11/15

It seems there's a bit of conflicting information on Universal's mobile site and Universal's main site.

The mobile site states:
Time- 8:30pm daily (excluding annual and special event dates)
Dates the Show Will Not be Operating: 5/11, 5/18, 6/2, 9/6 - 8, 11/10 - 11, 11/15, 12/5

While the main site states:
Showing daily at 9:00pm, except on 5/4, 5/11, 5/18, 6/2, 9/6 - 9/8, 11/10 - 11/11 and 11/15

So I wonder if we'll be seeing later park hours during the typical non-peak months of September and October because of this new show, or if they'll just update the show schedule when the park hours for those months are released? Not only that, but the park hours for August 12th - 31st have the park closing at 8pm. So I'd imagine they'll be doing 8pm shows those nights?
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Well, the website also states:

Time - 8:30pm daily (excluding annual and special event dates).

So I wonder if we'll be seeing later park hours during the typical non-peak months of September and October because of this new show, or if they'll just update the show schedule when the park hours for those months are released? Not only that, but the park hours for August 12th - 31st have the park closing at 8pm. So I'd imagine they'll be doing 8pm shows those nights?

I'd imagine they'll update the show schedule when the sun starts setting earlier and the park closes earlier.

And apparently they're doing a show for HHN, so I guess that's the one I'll see.
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