Universal’s Cinematic Spectacular - Nighttime Show | Page 55 | Inside Universal Forums

Universal’s Cinematic Spectacular - Nighttime Show

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New UCS Billboard with a t-rex coming through the fountains

From @BanksLee
New billboard for Universal Cinematic Spectacular outside my apartment.

That poster is awesome. Reminds me of the scene from The Lost World when the T-Rex comes through the waterfall. lol
I also just noticed that from here on out, Universal is officially closing at 9pm each night thru September. Even Islands has some 6, 7 and 8pm closures. Pretty sweet.
I also just noticed that from here on out, Universal is officially closing at 9pm each night thru September. Even Islands has some 6, 7 and 8pm closures. Pretty sweet.

I'm not caught up on the historical nightly closures for UOR, but isn't that pretty early? I thought they'd be closing at least 8/9pm every night, if not 10 at IoA?
I'm not caught up on the historical nightly closures for UOR, but isn't that pretty early? I thought they'd be closing at least 8/9pm every night, if not 10 at IoA?

USF and IOA historically had some early closures, as early as 6pm for USF. Post Potter, IOA definitely saw openings as late as 11pm in the summer season but never really went under 8pm either. Right now USF is consistently closing at 9pm, while it seems like IOA either has a few special events or just taking it is easy before they start their marathon 10pm closings for the summer.
There just shifting the focus to the Studios for the night crowds. Pretty sure Disney does the exact same thing when a new night show opens at a resort.
I'm trying to recreate the show's music soundtrack and so far it's going pretty well except for 1 section so I'm asking anyone with a good ear to help if you could please. It plays from 11:28 -11:58. I know it's from Gladiator but that's about it. Thanks for any help. :)

First things first, Welcome! Second, Awesome photos! Third, what kind of camera?
Ok you have to start adding to the photo of the day thread! This is not an option, I just flipped through about 50 pages on your Flickr and there are some amazing shots. The HRRR, Tomorrowland, Jack in the Alley, and Stiltwalker shots are jaw dropping cool!
Saw this last night and thought it was good. It lacked the excitement of other night time shows, especially compared to the earlier versions of 360. The fireworks were very nice and the water effects looked good and complimented the film well, but that's where the problem came in. The film seemed more like a jumble of clips than something that told a story. And being able to notice some of my favorite movies was nice, but it all went by so unenthusiastically that it was more fun to walk through the Jaws alley and see the posters. Splitting the clips into three sections was a good try at organization, but the transition seemed cheap and brought the action to a halt instead of moving it forward. I wish that they would have done what they did with the minion cannon part for all the transitions and just had Freeman talk through clips to make the action flow instead of putting up the transition scene that would have fit better in a powerpoint. In the end the group I was with all agreed that this was more of a show that Universal made to pat themselves on the back and everyone else could come and watch, with little mroe entertainment then that. It was nice to see once and I'm not saying that you shouldn’t go see it, but don't expect anything more than a quick mash-up with nice fountains.
Ok you have to start adding to the photo of the day thread! This is not an option, I just flipped through about 50 pages on your Flickr and there are some amazing shots. The HRRR, Tomorrowland, Jack in the Alley, and Stiltwalker shots are jaw dropping cool!

Thank you very much! That means alot and I definitely will.
Saw this last night and thought it was good. It lacked the excitement of other night time shows, especially compared to the earlier versions of 360. The fireworks were very nice and the water effects looked good and complimented the film well, but that's where the problem came in. The film seemed more like a jumble of clips than something that told a story. And being able to notice some of my favorite movies was nice, but it all went by so unenthusiastically that it was more fun to walk through the Jaws alley and see the posters. Splitting the clips into three sections was a good try at organization, but the transition seemed cheap and brought the action to a halt instead of moving it forward. I wish that they would have done what they did with the minion cannon part for all the transitions and just had Freeman talk through clips to make the action flow instead of putting up the transition scene that would have fit better in a powerpoint. In the end the group I was with all agreed that this was more of a show that Universal made to pat themselves on the back and everyone else could come and watch, with little mroe entertainment then that. It was nice to see once and I'm not saying that you shouldn’t go see it, but don't expect anything more than a quick mash-up with nice fountains.

YETI, have to ask, could you actually hear the narration?
I could. I know he talked through some clips, but the way it was seperated more like a documentary film then a theme park show was what turned me off.
Different styles suit different tastes..Personally I thought it organized and helped pace the show tons better than U360

Saw it last Saturday and honestly I thought it far exceeded what I was expecting, their is never a dull moment and always something to look at. I wouldn't put it over WOC but then again WOC tried something different than this show did, this show is more literal and in your face while WOC is more stylized...Regardless I think it is on par with the rest of the shows in Orlando and with some minor tweaks (more fountains) I think the show could be #1 would definitely watch it over Fantasmic or Wishes any day..
..would definitely watch it over Fantasmic or Wishes any day..

My exact word when I saw it, haha. And personally I like it way more then Illuminations as well.

Rant coming in 3..2..1..
I'm sick to death of that damn show! It hasn't changed in 12 years and it's to the point where I know exactly when and where each firework is coming from just by the music. The funny thing is though, for the past 6 years I've been going to Disney's Destination Sales Event where they talk to all the companies they work with and every year someone asks "When are you going to change/update Illuminations?" And every year it's the same answer, "Why would we change it when everybody loves it." To which people usually let out small groans. It's because sort of a tradition now. LOL
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