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The FBI never said who the missing person is. SWORD didn’t tell them about Vision being gone so I think that’s the real mystery. Also on the list of people and identities, I found it peculiar two people were not on the board...Dottie who was a major part of episode 2. They identified Beverly and Herb from the 60s episode.

Also, Dottie alluded first to knowing Wanda and vision didn’t belong. Even more so than Agnes.

There’s something about Dottie.
I’ve been watching the MCU films again and weirdly, I think the delay with Black Widow and the rest of the new films might have been a good thing for the series.

Some breathing space has done a lot of good and I’m beginning to get so hyped for phase 4.

Are the events of WandaVision taking place at the same time as Spider-Man?
I’ve been watching the MCU films again and weirdly, I think the delay with Black Widow and the rest of the new films might have been a good thing for the series.

Some breathing space has done a lot of good and I’m beginning to get so hyped for phase 4.

Are the events of WandaVision taking place at the same time as Spider-Man?
Far From Home took place 8 months after Endgame I believe. WandaVision has been confirmed to take place before FFH, taking place almost immediately following Endgame.
YESSSSSSSSS THE REVEAL WAS SO GOOD! I was expecting Quicksilver to show up at some point, but Evan Peters was such a great, unexpected surprise.

Overall this was the best episode to date. It balanced the sitcom and SWORD storylines well with strong editing, and some of the aspect ratio transitions were seamless. I felt this episode was referencing previous MCU films too much, which is ironic considering how the episode ends :lol: I'd give this episode an 8-8.5/10.
Far From Home took place 8 months after Endgame I believe. WandaVision has been confirmed to take place before FFH, taking place almost immediately following Endgame.


On that front. People seem to be thinking that this is a WandaVision reference with the hexagon in the end credits scene of Far From Home.
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On that front. People seem to be thinking that this is a WandaVision reference with the hexagon in the end credits scene of Far From Home.
I don't think so. Hexagons are a pretty common motif in the MCU. They have in the past referenced faster-than-light travel or space travel (GotG, GotG2, Thor: Ragnarok, Infinity War).
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Finally saw the new episode and woo boy.

We can't trust the SWORD boss. He sent a top agent in the field without mentioning to her that the base was attacked by an Avenger while giving lay of the land? Possible guesses of good ol' Hydra rearing it ugly head, or maybe a fringe of Skrulls who become the bad guys in the upcoming Secret Invasion if they want to build up the future Fury story.

She's explicitly manipulating matter, so the meatbag playing her husband is someone or something and curious how it plays out. I still think she could've brought back a vaporized stone to "reboot" Vision, but what she saw of him at the end of Episode 4 could be his real status. The fact she can't control him as much but reset the world around him makes me feel like there's something else restoring him.

With the argument happening during the credits, and the dark tone happening underneath, I feel like we're getting close to the MCU version of Too Many Cooks.
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I wonder who the “contact” is that Monica is meeting up with? I’m also excited that Agnes was misdirection...it’s not fun when people can call stuff from episode 1 and be right 6 episodes later, especially because of pre-existing comic knowledge.

I also think it’s interesting that this version of Pietro is cognizant of what happened to him in Age of Ultron. Maybe it’s not the multiverse, or at least the X-Men crossover we are thinking? As always, lots of questions, few answers...but I love shows like that if they pay off.

Also - really liked the Kick-Ass reference given Evan Peters and Aaron Taylor-Johnson’s involvement, even as blunt as it was.
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Their casting department nailed it again with the kids. Crazy levels of charisma & good chemistry with Evan Peters. I wonder if we’ll see the older versions by the end of the show. It was so cool to see their powers emerge.

I don’t think this episode means Agnes was a misdirect. I think that car scene could be a misdirect.
Their casting department nailed it again with the kids. Crazy levels of charisma & good chemistry with Evan Peters. I wonder if we’ll see the older versions by the end of the show. It was so cool to see their powers emerge.

I don’t think this episode means Agnes was a misdirect. I think that car scene could be a misdirect.
Could be, but if Agnes is the witch who helped set up this reality for Wanda, you have to wonder why she would reveal all to Vision willingly. Maybe ulterior motives we don’t know about yet?
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I wanna think about something. If the Hexagon is expanding, and is causing characters like Wanda to basically be changing into something else..

coupled with Darcy, and the citizens of Westview: this may be the first large mass sighting of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's mutants. That is a insanely fascinating development--especially if the Hex now has no more signs of stopping. It could mean it may allow them to explain why Kamala Kahn has her powers without having to do much.
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I wanna think about something. If the Hexagon is expanding, and is causing characters like Wanda to basically be changing into something else..

coupled with Darcy, and the citizens of Westview: this may be the first large mass sighting of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's mutants. That is a insanely fascinating development--especially if the Hex now has no more signs of stopping. It could mean it may allow them to explain why Kamala Kahn has her powers without having to do much.

Kamala is not too far away, that's for sure.
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I wanna think about something. If the Hexagon is expanding, and is causing characters like Wanda to basically be changing into something else..

coupled with Darcy, and the citizens of Westview: this may be the first large mass sighting of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's mutants. That is a insanely fascinating development--especially if the Hex now has no more signs of stopping. It could mean it may allow them to explain why Kamala Kahn has her powers without having to do much.

Kamala Kahn is a Inhuman, not a mutant. Inhumans were explained already in Agents of SHIELD and their own short lived TV series. Granted the canon of AoS in the MCU is still in question.
With the Kree already established and shown to have been on Earth before we knew about them, it wouldn’t take much to explain them.
Really enjoyed the Malcom in the Middle vibe here, Billy and Tommy were great and Pietro continued right into the Uncle Jesse territory of characters, which I figured he would as soon as he came on screen with a leather jacket and called Vision a “popsicle stick” last week.

Also, I absolutely do not believe that Agnes has been a misdirect.

I wanna think about something. If the Hexagon is expanding, and is causing characters like Wanda to basically be changing into something else..

coupled with Darcy, and the citizens of Westview: this may be the first large mass sighting of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's mutants. That is a insanely fascinating development--especially if the Hex now has no more signs of stopping. It could mean it may allow them to explain why Kamala Kahn has her powers without having to do much.
Kamala Khan is from New Jersey, right, so that fits in perfectly with where Westview is. You could be right on that.