Honestly, my only way of reasoning out why Director Hayward is taking the route he is on this is one of two things. Either a). He's a cliche'd and fairly poorly written character to sort of serve as a foil for Darcy, Jimmy and Monica or b.) My theory about Evan Peters playing Mephisto disguised as Pietro is wrong and this guy either IS him (which would just be so disappointing and not a high enough caliber actor, so I can't imagine so) or, more likely if this theory is true, is working for Mephisto.
If Mephisto isn't in this show i'm going to be left deeply disappointed with how i'm hyping myself up

We still have roughly 2.5 more hours of show left if the 6 hour figure is correct though, so the episodes should be averaging longer, more towards 50 minutes per episode from this point on would be how you get to 2.5 hours.