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Paul Bettany and Benedict Cumberbatch were both in a movie called Creation. So it's not Dr Strange. Not saying he wont show up, but the big character surprise that Bettany has always wanted to work with is not Cumberbatch.

Here's the quote from Bettany

"Truth is, of all of the characters we were trying to keep secret, a lot of them got out through leaks," Bettany said. "There is one character that has not been revealed. And it is very exciting. It is an actor I've longed to work with all of my life. We have some amazing scenes together and I think the chemistry between us is extraordinary and fireworks on set."

"all of my life" makes me jump to the conclusion that it's an actor older than Bettany so they would probably be playing an older character?

I'm digging the hell out of the show and unless something huge happens elsewhere, it'll likely be the only Marvel series I end up watching. It's such a unique story told in a damn fun way and now the emotional centers that make the Marvel universe so engaging is starting to seep through. Can't wait to see how this ends and what exactly it sets up.
"all of my life" makes me jump to the conclusion that it's an actor older than Bettany so they would probably be playing an older character?

I'm digging the hell out of the show and unless something huge happens elsewhere, it'll likely be the only Marvel series I end up watching. It's such a unique story told in a damn fun way and now the emotional centers that make the Marvel universe so engaging is starting to seep through. Can't wait to see how this ends and what exactly it sets up.
I think Loki is going to be an extremely fun ride like this show. F&TWS seems a bit bland from what I’ve seen, but will give the crowd looking for a more action packed Marvel series their fill after WandaVision.
I think Loki is going to be an extremely fun ride like this show. F&TWS seems a bit bland from what I’ve seen, but will give the crowd looking for a more action packed Marvel series their fill after WandaVision.

I honestly forgot about Loki, I will absolutely tune into that because of how fun Hiddleston and that character are. It definitely fits into that weird section of Marvel where they don't shy away from going bonkers. That's honestly when I love the MCU the most. I'll shell out for the big budget blockbuster if it means we get these weird side stories and wacky characters every time.

I was referring to F&TWS mostly. Unless I get wind something monumental happens on it I'm just not really interested in an action centered show (not that it won't have that Marvel brand of humor and personality but still). I just love that a single blockbuster super hero movie led to this bizarre meta sitcom retrospective/loving homage that has poignant emotional moments and is shaping up to have a big ending.
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I honestly forgot about Loki, I will absolutely tune into that because of how fun Hiddleston and that character are. It definitely fits into that weird section of Marvel where they don't shy away from going bonkers. That's honestly when I love the MCU the most. I'll shell out for the big budget blockbuster if it means we get these weird side stories and wacky characters every time.

I was referring to F&TWS mostly. Unless I get wind something monumental happens on it I'm just not really interested in an action centered show (not that it won't have that Marvel brand of humor and personality but still). I just love that a single blockbuster super hero movie led to this bizarre meta sitcom retrospective/loving homage that has poignant emotional moments and is shaping up to have a big ending.
I agree, as far as MCU goes for TV, I think I’m far more interested in this wacky side than the action side on the small screen.

Other shows going forward like Ms. Marvel, She-Hulk, Moon Knight, and Secret Invasion are probably the shows I’m looking forward to most after Loki.

Watched a couple episodes, and it's a perfect example of why I think streaming will drive theaters to the brink if they don't innovate big time in the next ten years.
There's legitimately no difference in quality between a 2-2.5 hour MCU movie and this 6 hour/9-episode show. I think generally, people like TV more than movies these days, too, as you get to dive deeper into stories and flesh things out more. I also think that some of the things that Marvel fans are least looking forward too this year are in the films, at least when it comes to Black Widow and Eternals. I'm excited for Shang-chi and SM3 (if SM3 stays as a 2021 release).
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Paul Bettany and Benedict Cumberbatch were both in a movie called Creation. So it's not Dr Strange. Not saying he wont show up, but the big character surprise that Bettany has always wanted to work with is not Cumberbatch.

Here's the quote from Bettany

"Truth is, of all of the characters we were trying to keep secret, a lot of them got out through leaks," Bettany said. "There is one character that has not been revealed. And it is very exciting. It is an actor I've longed to work with all of my life. We have some amazing scenes together and I think the chemistry between us is extraordinary and fireworks on set."

Good point.

"all of my life" makes me jump to the conclusion that it's an actor older than Bettany so they would probably be playing an older character?

I would say Ian McKellen playing Magneto? An older legendary British actor, Magneto is Wanda's father in the comics but they have worked together in The Da Vinci Code and Bent but I've never seen them so I'm not sure if they had any scenes together.

The other option could be Patrick Stewart. Another older legendary British actor and they've never worked together in a film.
Good point.

I would say Ian McKellen playing Magneto? An older legendary British actor, Magneto is Wanda's father in the comics but they have worked together in The Da Vinci Code and Bent but I've never seen them so I'm not sure if they had any scenes together.

The other option could be Patrick Stewart. Another older legendary British actor and they've never worked together in a film.

They did have scenes together in DVC.

Patrick Stewart as professor X coming in to bring Wanda back to reality would be a good way to close this storyline and tease the future X men storylines. It does make it harder to use him as Professor X in those future storylines though as he is 80 and those movies are a ways down the road.
Some thoughts: If Wanda didn't take Vision's body that footage from a couple of episodes ago must've been faked. This episode was one of the best episode/stories in the MCU thus far. The movies usually suffer from too little time for characters to develop and instead take multiple movies to get a good arc (Iron Man was 11 years of growth) So to see this much in one episode is great. Really thought at the ending there that Wanda was going to be revealed as Mephisto.
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So it’s White Vision, but is it Ultron inside him as I predicted a week ago?

The episode was good, but at certain points I was like, yeah, ok, we’ve known Wanda has had a tragic life, let’s speed this along a bit. I also felt the writing was slightly sub-par this episode.

It was still a good episode though, but they have a lot to wrap up with just one episode to go. I know they’ll probably leave loose ends in some areas, but like, who is Pietro? Who is the Engineer (no way in hell do I believe the woman last week was the actual person they were talking about)? What’s going on with Hayward? Etc, etc.
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I called on this board white Vision two weeks ago it's nice to be right sometimes..

Couple more theories to run by everyone.

Agatha will end up not really being evil, and/or Wanda will kill her. I say and/or because I think she will be dead either way, and this will trigger Wanda to go down the path that leads to the Dr Strange movie.

Ultron or at least part of him might be in the White Vision body, but at the end of the show the Vision Wanda created will be in the White Vision body.

There is no Mephisto. If there is some other world entity at all it will be Chthon, because Chthon uses Chaos Magic in the comics which was what Agatha called Wanda's power. Mephisto doesn't use Chaos magic.
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I called on this board white Vision two weeks ago it's nice to be right sometimes..

Couple more theories to run by everyone.

Agatha will end up not really being evil, and/or Wanda will kill her. I say and/or because I think she will be dead either way, and this will trigger Wanda to go down the path that leads to the Dr Strange movie.

Ultron or at least part of him might be in the White Vision body, but at the end of the show the Vision Wanda created will be in the White Vision body.

There is no Mephisto. If there is some other world entity at all it will be Chthon, because Chthon uses Chaos Magic in the comics which was what Agatha called Wanda's power. Mephisto doesn't use Chaos magic.
I do think there’s a decent chance Ultron is tied into this and actually predicted that last week.

By the way Agatha talked about Fake Pietro and how Wanda used “possession magic”, it does make it sound a lot like he actually is playing the Fox X-Men Universe Pietro.

Hayward HAS to be a Skrull, right?
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I do think there’s a decent chance Ultron is tied into this and actually predicted that last week.

By the way Agatha talked about Fake Pietro and how Wanda used “possession magic”, it does make it sound a lot like he actually is playing the Fox X-Men Universe Pietro.

Hayward HAS to be a Skrull, right?

Didn't she say something about Necromancy and that's what she was using on him, but she had to get someone else cause her brother was to far away? I should watch that scene again, but I'm under the impression he's a random dead guy, especially after she said she was controlling him. I want him to be from the FOXMen, but I'm feeling its not going to be. Plus his speed was all different.

I also and getting a Ultron feeling. I might be wrong about the White Vision thing, but he's got to be in play somehow.

Also Haywood maybe manipulated by Ultron if not Ultron
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Hayward HAS to be a Skrull, right?
He was laying it on really thick I felt in the scene at SWORD. He literally threw the idea out there about bringing Vision back to life and then after Wanda broke through the glass and went down, he told his men to stand down. Definitely something going on with him one way or another.
I liked that this episode didn’t have the sitcom format - but I stand by what I said last week...I think this is ending up disappointing given the speculation from fans. And here’s the thing - I know fan predictions are ridiculous most of the time, but Agatha was called in episode 1 and if this “cameo” is simply a troll moment and it’s just Paul Bettany meeting himself, that’s super lame.

Also - Kathryn Hahn was great as the boisterous neighbor, but when she has to be a menacing villain, I’m just not buying it.

Marvel is usually so good with keeping mysteries from the public or having big reveals that blow peoples socks off. Outside of the Pietro surprise (which might not even be an X-Men crossover), everything has been called out ahead of time.

I think I’m also underwhelmed by the idea of a Vision-Vision fight as the conclusion.

Really really really hope I’m wrong and they go big in the finale.
I liked everything except for the part about the sitcom still playing after the Stark bomb arrived (and destroyed everything but the TV). I always imagined what the scene would look like since Age of Ultron and because of that aspect it didn’t end up as terrifying as I imagined.
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Something that seemingly interests me is the insinuaton that Agatha gives of the missle. It has me thinking, albeit more importantly: What would happen if Mutants already exist? But they were only small, and could easily die off of their mutated genetic code? Could the Mind Stone amplified the mutant genes, causing Wanda and Pietro to become mutants properly? If that's the case, that could..throw a major curveball to what we may be looking at for how the Mutants will be properly introduced.
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Really loved the episode and it was indeed great to be able to go 'back' to go 'forward' with regards to Wanda's path.

It seems pretty clear to me that Agatha isn't some 'big bad' at all, especially from the last scene. She seems clearly aware that what Wanda is doing is leading her on a path of self and potentially world-destruction. Again, not a comics fan but just the way Agatha dropped the Scarlett Witch, there's no way being that titular character could be a good thing.

I think it's likely setting up a confrontation between Wanda/Her 'Vision' and SWORD's White Vision wherein Wanda gets cornered, likely by Rambeau again and Wanda loses total control, becomes the full fledged Scarlett Witch and we're off to Multiverse of Madness.

I still think there's going to be something with regards to the entire original 'missing persons' case from way back when the show first began and that'll be a really big easter egg. I don't believe for a second that the Marvel team would drop that little nugget, ignore it for 8 or so hours and then just not resurface it. After Wanda loses control and Westview is returned to normal we get a scene introducing whoever it is (maybe it'll be the end credits scene). Again, no idea about comic lore so I couldn't pretend to have any solid clues about who it is. It would be kind of hilarious to me if it's Doctor Strange himself and we get a little compilation about how he's been a ridiculously small background character in every 'sitcom' era before finally being released and giving chase to the Witch. There's also the threat that Agatha was drawn to Westview due to the high magic use so maybe Strange shows up during the finale as well due to the same reason.
This was a really good episode and helped tie up some of the questions that were out there. One thing that bothers me is that Agatha just let Wanda out of her control at the end. Why would she do that, knowing now that she is Scarlet Witch? That seems like a decent sized plot hole.