Wizarding World - Diagon Alley Discussion (Opens 2014) | Page 613 | Inside Universal Forums

Wizarding World - Diagon Alley Discussion (Opens 2014)

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  • Yes

    Votes: 154 88.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 12.0%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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It's a shame if they cannot find a way to squeeze in the Great Hall restaurant at IoA. The park really needs another table service restaurant if it ever wants to be a serious nighttime park...or if they ever want the Universal Dining Plan to take off.
Hopefully, the rumors of the Hogwarts in Hollywood are not true..But if they are, then I think WWHP in Islands could use a facelift. While I love the ride and all that, I always felt the queue could be more. More moving picture, wider hallways, moving staircases, and holographic ghosts similar to how Disney does it in the Haunted Mansion but better. I wouldn't mind if we don't have the walk through of Hagrid's but the restaurant does sound neat
I have not been to CA parks, but I want to go. Since it will probably be a one time maybe two time in my lifetime trip for our family, I want to wait for my LOs to be old enough to enjoy everything.

Anything requiring longer flights I know my husband only wants to do once, twice at most. So I want to make the trips really count.
Actually the more I think about it, knowing how Universal Orlando works and considering Harry Potter wouldn't come to Hollywood until 2020. I would not be surprised if they did indeed add a thing or two inside Hogwarts like a Great Hall. I mean 2020 is a long time way for god sakes. I might almost guarantee there would be a phase 3 type plan for Universal Orlando by then. I mean look how fast it took for phase 2 to get started up in Orlando.
Back to the train ride...i'm really hoping it has no height requirements and still some "exciting" features so people can sorta put on a lid on the "universal had nothing eveyone can enjoy that isnt just a show" arguement...
Back to the train ride...i'm really hoping it has no height requirements and still some "exciting" features so people can sorta put on a lid on the "universal had nothing eveyone can enjoy that isnt just a show" arguement...

I'm assuming this is going to be moving about as fast as (or even slower than) a Disney monorail, so I doubt this will have a height requirement or even lap restraints.
Actually the more I think about it, knowing how Universal Orlando works and considering Harry Potter wouldn't come to Hollywood until 2020. I would not be surprised if they did indeed add a thing or two inside Hogwarts like a Great Hall. I mean 2020 is a long time way for god sakes. I might almost guarantee there would be a phase 3 type plan for Universal Orlando by then. I mean look how fast it took for phase 2 to get started up in Orlando.

Where are you getting 2020? It'll be done by 2016.
lol whoops sorry I thought I saw 2020 somewhere. But I still could see Orlando have a Phase 3 where they add a Great Hall in Hogwarts.

Well, it would have to be built outside but connected somehow as the FJ building is full except for a little space under the Great Hall. There just isn't much room between FJ and JP without removing things (which is obviously an option for Universal.)
I can't imagine another large area devoted to Harry Potter. There's no other setting that could fill such an area with as much interest. Godric's Hollow, the Burrow, etc. I don't see them as adding much, and would be out of place if joined to one of the existing areas. Perhaps Ministry of Magic could be an extension of Phase 2 at some point (if there's room). Maybe somehow expanding Phase 1 to include more of Hogwarts or a quidditch pitch? There appears to be some back-stage land behind Hippogriff that might be used if not essential to the existing operations. In that area, it might be conceiveable to add an interior Hogwarts location and maintain the illusion that it is inside the castle.
As much as I would LOVE visiting the Ministry of Magic, I cannot see that happening... like ever. Why? Because what would we really do in there aside from a tour around? There can't be something based around the anti-muggle propaganda since it suggests where are on Deathly Hallow's timeline, nor looking for the Prophecy since then we would be around Order of the Phoenix. Also, it would have to be made underground, and that is impossible (I know they could try and make an illusion of it being underground, and the building outside made to look as London, but still).
you re a big potter fan do you see a phase 3 coming for potter..if so what would you like to see

I think the size of it depends. I mean I do think there will be upgrades and additions. I'm not sure if there is enough land for projects I would like to see such as: Ministry Of Magic, Shrieking Shack, Forbidden Forest, Quidditch field, Azkaban, Godric's Hallow. Unless Lost Continent is used for more Potter. I would love to see a Forbidden Forest Dark Ride similar to a Haunted Mansion type ride.
I think the size of it depends. I mean I do think there will be upgrades and additions. I'm not sure if there is enough land for projects I would like to see such as: Ministry Of Magic, Shrieking Shack, Forbidden Forest, Quidditch field, Azkaban, Godric's Hallow. Unless Lost Continent is used for more Potter. I would love to see a Forbidden Forest Dark Ride similar to a Haunted Mansion type ride.
always thought an Azkarban drop ride like TOT would be cool
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