Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) On Entertainment & Tourism Industry | Page 131 | Inside Universal Forums

Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) On Entertainment & Tourism Industry

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In regards to HHN, I have seen several haunts will be installing plexiglass shields in front of the actors

Considering all HHN scares are strobes and audio queues, that could potentially be an option for this year
In regards to HHN, I have seen several haunts will be installing plexiglass shields in front of the actors

Considering all HHN scares are strobes and audio queues, that could potentially be an option for this year
i would be okay with this, it would be interesting
problem is scarezones
In the Netherlands we are slowly going to start up the country. It will take till September (if everything goes well) when everything is running as normal. It will go in stages. Sportclub-cafeteria's, casino's and sex workers will be the last to get back to work, explained our government.
Wearing a mask is only mandatory for people who travel by bus and train.
It is out-of-the-box thinking like this which might save quite a bit of the Maine summer tourist season. Mills is the governor.

”When asked about plans in Rockland to close a portion of Route 1 to vehicle traffic to allow merchants to sell their wares outdoors and open up outdoor seating for restaurants, Mills reacted positively, saying she is encouraging new ways to think about how to serve customers.”

I hope that Bar Harbor gets clever like this or much will be lost.

It is out-of-the-box thinking like this which might save quite a bit of the Maine summer tourist season. Mills is the governor.

”When asked about plans in Rockland to close a portion of Route 1 to vehicle traffic to allow merchants to sell their wares outdoors and open up outdoor seating for restaurants, Mills reacted positively, saying she is encouraging new ways to think about how to serve customers.”

I hope that Bar Harbor gets clever like this or much will be lost.

Tampa was going to close some streets and let the restaurants expand their seating but the other businesses on those streets objected so they are rethinking the idea.
In regards to HHN, I have seen several haunts will be installing plexiglass shields in front of the actors

Considering all HHN scares are strobes and audio queues, that could potentially be an option for this year

If I was concerned about people spreading anything at HHN, it would be the guests themselves, not the scareactors. Barring a miracle I expect Universal to still be doing temperature checks for team members before their shift as well as heavily advising anyone even slightly under the weather to stay home. I'd be much more 'concerned' about park guests who either are asymptomatic or just don't care if they're sick. It would be nice to obviously protect the scareactors as much as possible but they'd be the lesser part of the human equation in terms of spreading the virus, IMO.
Tampa was going to close some streets and let the restaurants expand their seating but the other businesses on those streets objected so they are rethinking the idea.

If there are no restaurants then what is the point of shops. If there are no shops then what is the point of restaurants. The comes a point that there is little point in visiting a desert. I don’t understand such short sightedness. All for one, one for all might just save everyone.
If I was concerned about people spreading anything at HHN, it would be the guests themselves, not the scareactors. Barring a miracle I expect Universal to still be doing temperature checks for team members before their shift as well as heavily advising anyone even slightly under the weather to stay home. I'd be much more 'concerned' about park guests who either are asymptomatic or just don't care if they're sick. It would be nice to obviously protect the scareactors as much as possible but they'd be the lesser part of the human equation in terms of spreading the virus, IMO.

The problem I foresee, unfortunately, is employees will decline to stay home if they can at all help it, even in the face of a pandemic. In CA, scare actors only get two paid sick days. Anything beyond that is money out of their paycheck, and frankly, they need the money. Many a mild flu strain has been spread through casts because performers "power through."

This problem isn't limited to Horror Nights, of course. We have to implement robust financial incentives to STAY HOME if at all sick, or the results will be ruinous.
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The problem I foresee, unfortunately, is employees will decline to stay home if they can at all help it, even in the face of a pandemic. In CA, scare actors only get two paid sick days. Anything beyond that is money out of their paycheck, and frankly, they need the money. Many a mild flu strain has been spread through casts because performers "power through."

This problem isn't limited to Horror Nights, of course. We have to implement robust financial incentives to STAY HOME if at all sick, or the results will be ruinous.
Orlando scareactors get no paid sick days, even if they schedule you all 40 nights.
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If I was concerned about people spreading anything at HHN, it would be the guests themselves, not the scareactors. Barring a miracle I expect Universal to still be doing temperature checks for team members before their shift as well as heavily advising anyone even slightly under the weather to stay home. I'd be much more 'concerned' about park guests who either are asymptomatic or just don't care if they're sick. It would be nice to obviously protect the scareactors as much as possible but they'd be the lesser part of the human equation in terms of spreading the virus, IMO.

yeah the fear has always been from the guests, not the actors making guests sick.
the actors already suffer so much from the bad guests as it is, imagine people coughing in the houses...
besides maybe universal could allow guests to have surgical masks but who knows if the actors would be protected
(it would be interesting if universal adapts masks into actors' costumes, maybe all actors wear some type e of covering or protection for the mouth and nose.)

but if universal doesnt allow guests to wear masks during HHN then no way in hell would it be safe.... it would be crazy unsafe. HHN becomes a petri dish.
i do feel pretty worried for the actors. ni one knows how things will be by september (who knows if the giant killer hornets take over or not)
but uni has a dufficult situation ahead.
even if 70 of guests behave themselves, wear masks and respect the actors, there will be those few that will ruin it for everyone.

If there are no restaurants then what is the point of shops. If there are no shops then what is the point of restaurants. The comes a point that there is little point in visiting a desert. I don’t understand such short sightedness. All for one, one for all might just save everyone.

do restaurants and shops really need each other that much?
what if restaurants sold meals to go where people didnt need to sit down and they shopped as they ate
Yes...but that's the key phrase, "People don't like to be told what to do". When you 'order' people, and your message is not clear due to policy reversals,or muddled, as the government & CDC''s has been thus far, there's going to natural resistance, especially in a culture that has no real history of wearing masks, in fact a culture where wearing masks is identified with the bad guys. IF, the government would have been clear and concise from day one, and truly educated the public, the response may well have been better....My personal opinion doesn't play into this since I'm fortunate in where I live, I can easily avoid the issues most others are stuck with. My daily life has changed very very little....But I am very networked out in this area due to a long lifetime in local government, business, education and soccer. The Mon Valley went through a real economic depression for a decade, beginning in the early 80's , when in a couple of years we lost 170,000 high paying steel industry jobs to unfair foreign government sponsored imports. Nearly every town and city in the valley had unemployment of 20 to 30% for a decade, and we received no help from the Feds or State. These people had just been getting on their feet and growth was coming back when the governor shut down nearly every single local business except for the big corporate boxes. I talk and communicate with a lot of people in this area, some very prominent in the business, political and medical communities. There's a lot of very hardcore anger from just about everyone that this area was unnecessarily shut down for so long. They're mostly angry about the economic hurt they're feeling. And they absolutely 'hate' it when they get 'ordered' to do things, especially when the problem is very minimal here. This is where the "Whiskey Rebellion' started, nearly everyone owns a gun or rifle, and (I'm certainly not one of them) one of the site's of the early Tea Party movement.....As I said, my personal feelings aside, this is what I see in my area, and it's just a microcosm of the USA where 'every' area is a bit different, so one size fits all just doesn't necessarily work well....Heck, even in hard hit NYC metro (NYC/NJ/Philly/Conn.) area which has witnessed more than half of all USA deaths, there are still NYC neighborhoods that were hard hit with deaths that are staging large weddings and massive funeral shoulder to shoulder street marches numbering in the thousands, and large numbers without masks on, in defiance. And that six block area of Queens populated by legal and illegal immigrants that at onetime comprised 20% of all NYC covid deaths, still has nightly crowds on the streets, partially because so many families are packed together so closely in small apartments that covid spreads likel wildfire.The government has done a poor job of helping the poor and putting out a coherent steady, no flip flops, message. I don't blame the people, there's other blame to go around, and even the scientists don't have all that great a track record in this.

I know you don't like linking to articles, but do you have something against the "Enter" key as well? ;) Please break down long texts using paragraphs. I mostly read the forums on my desktop, so my eyes have to pan back and forth 19" at a time and it makes it hard to point my eyes to the next line I need to read. :cheers:
I know you don't like linking to articles, but do you have something against the "Enter" key as well? ;) Please break down long texts using paragraphs. I mostly read the forums on my desktop, so my eyes have to pan back and forth 19" at a time and it makes it hard to point my eyes to the next line I need to read. :cheers:
good point. Usually I'm not so long winded though. :)
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In regards to HHN, I have seen several haunts will be installing plexiglass shields in front of the actors

Considering all HHN scares are strobes and audio queues, that could potentially be an option for this year

That actually is a workable solution for mazes. They could have plexiglass walls throughout and use lighting to make them semi-opaque. The actors could still do jump scares by slamming their hands or props into the plexiglass without any risk of cross contamination with guests.
You’re crazy if you think the parks will fill up daily. There will be initial rush because everyone is going stir crazy, but it will not be crowded at all.
Even with APs? I know Universal won't because I go there alot but Disney hasn't had an off season in what 3+ years?
I mean yes, many wont be traveling by air but sure Ap's and local's will be wanting to go...but maybe that's just me being crazy and think Disney can do no wrong when people praise "meh" things like Pixar pier.

That actually is a workable solution for mazes. They could have plexiglass walls throughout and use lighting to make them semi-opaque. The actors could still do jump scares by slamming their hands or props into the plexiglass without any risk of cross contamination with guests.
How do they deal with the mazes being just one long line...I can't remember the last time I went in a Universal maze and could just walk into an empty room, its always just one long line of people throughout the entire thing
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