Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) On Entertainment & Tourism Industry | Page 17 | Inside Universal Forums

Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) On Entertainment & Tourism Industry

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This all sucks, but it's hard not to see it as a good thing overall. The situation is going to get worse from here. We're just seeing the tip of the iceberg. But these are necessary measures to make sure that things don't get as bad as they possibly could. It could mean the difference between thousands of lives, in the long run. There's nothing wrong with an abundance of caution.
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I read your post, and considering you went weeks ago, before there was even a confirmed case of coronavirus in Florida, I'm going to suggest you don't have it. (And if you do have it, the likelihood that you got it from your trip is low.)

So with that in mind, your post basically just suggests people avoid theme parks entirely because you caught something there.

Also - I too recommend quarantining yourself when you're sick. I never said not to. I have only recommended that people who are not sick, who are healthy and young, go enjoy your lives. Don't visit grandma right now, but go spend some money at a restaurant, tip your server, because that person needs to pay their rent. (Maybe don't go on a spending spree until we know the outcome of all this, but spending a few dollars here and there should be fine. Don't go hiding it under the mattress unless you live paycheck to paycheck like your server likely does.)

I really don’t think you seem to understand the severity of this at all. I was in packed theme parks with literally thousands of people from all over the world-I’m pretty sure I know where I got sick from. So for me to continue going out while I have symptoms that align with a global pandemic (look up how many people could be infected that haven’t been tested) would be selfish, irresponsible and (IMO) wrong. Even if I do have just strep throat or just pneumonia if I pass that to someone who comes into contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 I could literally be a domino in the fall of someone’s life. So, for me personally, to recommend that people travel to theme parks in this country-DL is already closing, WDW has some of their fire department quarantining just to be safe (aka all I’m doing...something you seem to have taken great issue with) to me, is irresponsible so we’re just gonna have to agree to disagree on this one.
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Europe is expecting it to peak in April/May. The challenge is that there are countless people who already have it, are infectious, and don't know it. That's how Italy saw such an exponential explosion in ten days. People had it and didn't know it.

So, while "young and healthy people get to enjoy life," is a stance, it's also a stance that ignores incubation periods, infectiousness, and the "impression" of health. Just because you feel healthy now doesn't mean you don't have COVID-19. It also doesn't mean you won't get it and give it somebody else.
Healthy people should not be visiting old, sick, or other at risk individuals. Those people should be quarantined completely with no visitors. That would save more lives than any other measure.

Honestly what is catching me off guard the most out of this is hearing several boomers not seem to care at all about getting sick or dying. One insisted on shaking my hand. I've seen a few that are completely yolo about this. Not sure if that's just because that's a small sample size or a widespread mentality from that generation.
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I really don’t think you seem to understand the severity of this at all. I was in packed theme parks with literally thousands of people from all over the world-I’m pretty sure I know where I got sick from.
I believe you got sick at a theme park, I just don't believe you have coronavirus.

I get sick too sometimes from visiting theme parks or going to conventions. I recommend all sick or at risk individuals to stay away from theme parks and conventions, now and in the future.
So for me to continue going out while I have symptoms that align with a global pandemic (look up how many people could be infected that haven’t been tested) would be selfish, irresponsible and (IMO) wrong.
You don't seem to be reading what I'm saying, so I could basically put anything in my posts at this point. I clearly told you not to go out several times in several ways, so why would you say this?
I’m glad they closed down just to be safer rather than sorry. But might i add that this could be a great time for maintenance around the park? A two week period for the mechanics alone in the park to fix anything they need to
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I’m glad they closed down just to be safer rather than sorry. But might i add that this could be a great time for maintenance around the park? A two week period for the mechanics alone in the park to fix anything they need to

I was thinking the same thing. MK certainly needs some love and if the park closes, having all that empty space could really help in speeding up painting the castle.
Europe is expecting it to peak in April/May. The challenge is that there are countless people who already have it, are infectious, and don't know it. That's how Italy saw such an exponential explosion in ten days. People had it and didn't know it.

So, while "young and healthy people get to enjoy life," is a stance, it's also a stance that ignores incubation periods, infectiousness, and the "impression" of health. Just because you feel healthy now doesn't mean you don't have COVID-19. It also doesn't mean you won't get it and give it somebody else.
The two NBA players that tested positive for it are a prime example. BOTH felt good enough to play in the game last night and one player was showing no symptoms at all. The amount of people that star players like them come into contact with is very high, ranging from other players (sharing sweat, etc), coaches, fans, families, etc, etc. They will likely be ok, but the people they could have passed this on to may not.
I believe you got sick at a theme park, I just don't believe you have coronavirus.

I get sick too sometimes from visiting theme parks or going to conventions. I recommend all sick or at risk individuals to stay away from theme parks and conventions, now and in the future.

You don't seem to be reading what I'm saying, so I could basically put anything in my posts at this point. I clearly told you not to go out several times in several ways, so why would you say this?

I don’t believe I have Coronavirus either, you seem to not be reading what I’m saying so I can put anything in here too I guess because I also said multiple times that I haven’t gone out, but in the off chance that I do have it I know where it came from. Have you not suggested, multiple times in this thread, to WOLO, live your life, go out to eat, etc.? All I said (to another user) was a suggestion not to go. That’s all. You replied to me, not suggesting I go out, but taking issue with my suggestion to stay home during a global pandemic.

I’ll say it once again-we agree to disagree on this. I don’t wanna argue with you and clutter this thread up even more. You do what you want with your life, I’m choosing to be considerate of other’s with mine and I simply recommended another user do the same-if that bothers you, I’m sorry, but your opinion of me is not my problem.
Can't find any official announcement, but NBC LA is reporting that USH will close March 14-28. Scroll to the bottom of the article.

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Healthy people should not be visiting old, sick, or other at risk individuals. Those people should be quarantined completely with no visitors. That would save more lives than any other measure.

Honestly what is catching me off guard the most out of this is hearing several boomers not seem to care at all about getting sick or dying. One insisted on shaking my hand. I've seen a few that are completely yolo about this. Not sure if that's just because that's a small sample size or a widespread mentality from that generation.
Maybe they're embracing the asteroid.

I think you are ignoring (or don't understand) my point. People who *feel* healthy, or think they are healthy, are not guaranteed to actually be healthy. Saying, "Only healthy people should go out," assumes that "healthy" is a binary thing now, when its not. If 10 people, in their twenties, think they're healthy but one of them is not healthy, then that person has potentially infected 9 other people. All because they thought they were healthy.

THAT'S the challenge. You're relying on "I feel healthy" as a baseline, when "feeling healthy" doesn't mean you actually are healthy. I had a chronic sinus infection for eight months that I just thought was severe allergies. What my wife thought was a pulled muscle turned out to be a pulmonary embolism. The human brain can absolutely trick itself into thinking nothing is wrong. And a dismissive stance of, "But I'm young enough it won't kill me," indicates a superficial callousness that can cause more infections.

Plain and simple, if you are concerned about catching plague, the best thing to do is avoid the crowds. If you are concerned you may already have plague and don't want to give it to others, the best thing to do is avoid the crowds. If you don't want to find yourself in either plague-dicament, the best thing to do is avoid crowds.
Looks like UO added another TM preview of Bourne tomorrow at Noon. Should tip you guys off as to where they currently stand.
DL and USH aren't closing until Saturday though anyway so I could very easily see WDW, UOR and SWO all closed by that time or shortly after with how fast things have been unfolding with this on really an hourly basis at this point.

Also, Simple Plan has cancelled their shows at Epcot this weekend:
WDW and Universal will follow suit eventually. The situation is a bit more progressed here in L.A., which is probably why Orlando hasn't pulled the trigger yet, but they might as well do it in the next 24-36 hours because things will get just as bad there eventually. Shutting things down early will only help.
Have you not suggested, multiple times in this thread, to WOLO, live your life, go out to eat, etc.?
The WOLO was an exaggeration/joke (because someone said "we only live once"), but yes, live your life ***IF*** you are not sick, healthy, not at risk, and don't go visiting grandma. And also wash your hands, and don't touch your face.

But you implied that I was telling sick people (including you) to leave the house by saying:
So for me to continue going out while I have symptoms that align with a global pandemic (look up how many people could be infected that haven’t been tested) would be selfish, irresponsible and (IMO) wrong.

Because no one was telling you to go outside. There was no reason to say this other than to imply that's what I was saying, which was the opposite of what I was saying.
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