The ride was never that good. The CGI is so distractingly outdated and it’s not funny whatsoever. BTTF still has amazing effects, outside of that styrofoam cup, and still makes me laugh, and this is without nostalgia. All they had to do was remove any mentions of it being 2015, problem solved. It’s still a beloved IP. People nowadays look at the Simpsons with disdain and the ratings have been slipping heavily. Not to mention ride mechanics made the flying DeLorian feel much more natural than the runaway roller coaster car in the Simpsons ride. In either ride it's obvious that you are in a controlled vehicle but in Back to the Future it's supposed to feel like that. In the Simpsons ride the vehicle is supposed to be free falling through the sky, floating on water, and dangling from a rope and it really doesn't pull off the illusion.
What I’m saying is: I don’t really care if it leaves. People keep on saying a Rick & Morty ride could happen, I wish that was true. The show’s the greatest cartoon of all time and the mechanics work far better for that than for the Simpsons.
But I anticipate the comments calling me whiney and writing about nobody caring about what I’m saying, so go ahead.