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King Kong Speculation Thread

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US 5335436 A
An animal prop having a body or appendages with rip-stop nylon air bags surrounding a support member. The air bags are attached to each other with zippers. A blower provides air to the air bags through air hoses. A liner surrounds the air bags. A fur cloth covering simulating animal skin or fur is placed over the liner. A life-like appearance and movement is provided as the air bags roll, billow or deform with movement of the prop.

Wow, behind the scenes information is always awesome!

I can't imagine that the Kong theme is going to be anything more than an overlay. Universal may be making incredible investments, but I just can't see them removing the ride system, especially as the theme fits in so well with Kong.
^Very nice HTF. Some my first post came from your first link. Some great stuff I missed without the others. This is all so fascinating.
Any Kong attraction would greatly benefit from having a life-size version. That's part of what made the first Kongfrontation so great. I absolutely loved this Kong they had set-up at USH a few years back. It was mesmerizing.

Well we already know it's pretty much going to be better than King Kong 360. Mainly because we have been told it's going to be a new ride but a mix of old and new Kong. Just hearing that right there is pretty much a confirmation that it's at least going to have a Kong AA and a few sets. To me there's no negatives in this at all. Even if we do end up having to wear 3D glasses it wouldn't bother me at all because we have a KING KONG ride again! I was thinking maybe Skull Island and New York are both going to be implemented in the ride. With Skull Island resembling Hollywood's ride with screens and the New York part resembling more of a Kongfrontation look with AA's and Sets :thumbs:
When I got my first car in 1998 gas I was paying $1.09 a gallon here in the West Palm area :bang:

Cheapest I've paid in my lifetime was 79 cents, in South Carolina of course :lol: Cheapest I've ever paid in Florida is about what you have paid Mike.
I find the screen argument tiring now. If Spider-Man, Forbidden Journey, and Transformers haven't changed your mind, I don't know what to tell you. There's so much more that can be done with projection technology than robotics. I'd much rather the money be put into ride vehicles.
The problem is, somewhere along the line, audio animatronic technology reached its peak. Jack Sparrow, Ben Franklin, Wicked Witch etc is the best they can do. That's the limit.

Projection technology and digital animation still have room to grow (who knows if there's a limit?) Just wait until they can do 3D without glasses on a massive scale!
The limitations are more a function of cost and access than true walls that cannot be penetrated. It's just like using models and sets or hand drawn animation versus digital animation in films. Or hand drafting plans versus CAD and BIM. This isn't to say that digital cannot be impressive, but at the same time it has become ubiquitous and far more accessible. This has created a romance around the non-digital techniques because fewer people have a familiarity with the skills needed, where as plenty of people screwing around with iMovie thinks that gives them a true taste of film editing and production. But there also many people with talent out there as well. Visual effects companies come and go like the wind because there are probably too many people in the field. A theme park is also not the only place to see the wizardry of industry leaders like ILM or Weta Digital.
I think that screens mixed with practical effects and sets would make for a fine ride.

That said, I would love Universal to give us a ride that utilizes 3D screen technology that is not dependent on glasses. That would allow for even more suspension of disbelief.

Everything I've heard about the Hogwarts Express indicates that they are using a never before seen glasses free 3D tech. I'm really eager to experience that.
I think that screens mixed with practical effects and sets would make for a fine ride.

That said, I would love Universal to give us a ride that utilizes 3D screen technology that is not dependent on glasses. That would allow for even more suspension of disbelief.

Everything I've heard about the Hogwarts Express indicates that they are using a never before seen glasses free 3D tech. I'm really eager to experience that.

That's a good point. Maybe they will use something similar to Hogwarts Express in King Kong.
I think that screens mixed with practical effects and sets would make for a fine ride.

That said, I would love Universal to give us a ride that utilizes 3D screen technology that is not dependent on glasses. That would allow for even more suspension of disbelief.

Everything I've heard about the Hogwarts Express indicates that they are using a never before seen glasses free 3D tech. I'm really eager to experience that.

I'm all for a Kong ride with a mix of screens and real sets, if we can't get a completely real set/AA based ride, that is. I don't really want another 3D attraction, but some glasses-free stuff could be awesome.
I would love to see Universal use this sort of 'layered' screen technology on a large scale.
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