The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 358 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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Yup Teebin we again are the party poopers Mark is the one who does all the talking the action comes from else where. As with all good things the person who is the public face for the most part is never the person who actually does the work. It's sad most of the good ones run down the road to work for the big cheese but that's the way it goes.
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Trowbridge, Aiello, and Coup are some of the true visionaries behind the WWOHP. (Don't forget about the rest of the Uni Creative and A&D)

Amazing visionaries and designers.
I just remembered, you know how you can enter your name and email into the goblet of fire on the website cuz it supposedly gets you "one step closer to the Triwizard Cup." Does anyone know what that even means? At first I thought maybe they'd call your name when you're boarding, like with ET at the end, but that can't be it.
That is it! Thanks!. I will respond in good time as I am in the middle of a movie. Only reason I came up for air was someone IM'd me on a pee break and asked what I was talking about. IM's make a freaky sound on my puter... later!

teebin why the intrest in the pic... i'm waiting for your response..
how was the movie....
How many hours earlier? And, since he's posted several times since he started his movie, and I know of very few movies that last as long as the time from when he first informed us of his watching a film... Well, it's hours later and there hasn't been a post, I suspect that he's "forgotten" till tomorrow. No riddle, but still the same old leaving us hanging. Don't care about the information, do care about the attitude.

Now having typed that, I admit to being "snarky". I'd apologize, but it wouldn't be sincere. I admit to having Teebin issues. For that perhaps I am genuinely sorry. He really isn't significant enough to warrant the energy.

Truth is, don't worry about Teebin's feelings. He doesn't have any.
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Oh, come on now, that's just mean. Maybe Teebin forgot. He's a human being. What difference does it make if you find out the riddle today or tomorrow? Lol, it's not like you'll see what the hints really are come the dates of your arrival. Also, it's just not in the forum's nature to talk like that to others. Yes, Teebin has his 10% moments. But it's not constant. Let's keep it nice here. I know we're all excited, too.

Also Scott, I'm sorry your suggestion didn't work out; I really am. Regardless, you told us with the best of nature. For that, thank you. :)

Oh, look at that, 2:20am. Latin test tomorrow. Wonderful. Lol.
How many hours earlier? And, since he's posted several times since he started his movie, and I know of very few movies that last as long as the time from when he first informed us of his watching a film... Well, it's hours later and there hasn't been a post, I suspect that he's "forgotten" till tomorrow. No riddle, but still the same old leaving us hanging. Don't care about the information, do care about the attitude.

Now having typed that, I admit to being "snarky". I'd apologize, but it wouldn't be sincere. I admit to having Teebin issues. For that perhaps I am genuinely sorry. He really isn't significant enough to warrant the energy.

Truth is, don't worry about Teebin's feelings. He doesn't have any.

This is ridiculous. Maybe he fell asleep for heavens sake.

--- Update ---

A tip for riding FJ, sit back in the bench and do not lean forward. that first hand experience?
It IS incredibly tight... much tighter than I would have imagined for such large vehicles. Consensus among a "few" of my "somethings" is that the base vehicle will move very slowly, while the robotics arm moves wildly. In any event... the track itself is nearly as tight as spiderman. You will never know that from riding... but I promise you that it is. The curves shocked me.

Teebin are you saying that you have ridden FJ? :confused:
Trowbridge, Aiello, and Coup are some of the true visionaries behind the WWOHP. (Don't forget about the rest of the Uni Creative and A&D)

Amazing visionaries and designers.

Trowbridge is now with Disney. When he was with Uni, he did some amazing things. One of them being Spider-Man.

Borneo and Teebin, please explain.
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I'm sure he did. My cousin met him once. My cousin had nothing but good things to say about him. He was classy, smart, and a pretty cool guy.
Trowbridge is now with Disney. When he was with Uni, he did some amazing things. One of them being Spider-Man.

Borneo and Teebin, please explain.

It's ironic that now Disney is pirating imagineers from Universal, instead fo the other way around.

--- Update ---

I don't know how credible this is, but someone on IOA Central posted this:
"My dad's friend works in the parks offices and he said that the soft openings start tomorrow!!! (5-25-10)
This Is TRUE!!!
He told me that most of the employees have to show up at Harry Potter in the morning.
It will most likely be open for like 30 mins to an hour in the mornings. "

My contact also told me this, but they don't think FJ will be open because of the problems they had the other day.
Problems? Noooooooo

By the way, do we know if you actually get to go up into the castle part of the building, or is that just a set piece (maybe with a few offices or storage or something), kind of like Cinderella Castle or the 2nd floors of the buildings on Main Street.