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Triceratops Encounters Return

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that was an incredibly short time to open an attraction that hasn't been open in forever. weird.

kind of upset i didn't get to see it while it was open.
Ugh! I'm going in two weeks and really wanted to check this out as my memory of seeing the attraction years ago is vague.
I am wondering just like the WWoHP, this was only testing time before they re-open it for good since they where handing out surveys after leaving the attraction.
The reason no one has ever seen 3 trikes working is because Universal opens every day with two. If one goes down they open the spare.

Several members of Universal's Creative team pleaded to reopen the attraction with one of the ladies with no skin on so people could see how complex they are. I promise, they're much more impressive to see move without the skin on. The top of all dogs rejected it so the magic wouldn't be ruined and the theme wouldn't be broken. Lame.

There was a very specific reason the attraction was reopened and it wasn't for crowd control. It only holds about 400 people which is a drop in the hat for 50,000. The rest of the queue will NOT be redone...most of it has already been leveled and cleared out. What you see is what you get.

It will be open over Spring Break. ABout 70 days this year.

The 2 Trikes at a time makes sense. Always good to have a backup, or one in refurbishment - much like how traditional rides never have their entire fleet of vehicles in use at any given time.

How is continuing proper theming lame!? As interested as I am in audio-animatronics, under no circumstances should typical day guests be viewing a skinless triceratops. I don't care how complex the animatronic is, the point of the attraction is to put us up close with a "living, breathing" triceratops. Good for whichever executive nixed that idea. If Universal Creative wants to show off the animatronics, offer some sort of behind the scenes tour where one of the features is getting to see a skinless trike.

I can't comprehend any reason to reopen the trikes other than to increase capacity (which was sorely needed) and to provide a better balance to the park (an additional experience for the entire family). The video posted above proves that the original queue remains in some capacity. Why would it be leveled/cleared, anyway? That space isn't really big enough to accomodate another attraction in addition to the Trikes...

I do buy that it'll be open Spring Break. If they were smart, they'd have it open for Spring Break, the Summer Months (parallel with Universal 360), Thanksgiving, and Grinchmas. Now I'd have it open most if not all of the time given the initial investment to bring back the Trikes - but they must have some reason to not show off their refurbished toy all the time...
HA! Whoever said they would never use the original queue again, watch this from OrlandoThemeParkNews:

That is part of the original queue! Wild that they began bringing people in from the exit a few weeks ago and then switched to a portion or all of the original queue. If it was just partial queue, then it may be mincing words to say no queue. The original queue was VERY long... on and on much like DD/DC.

And yet, here we all sit waiting for """THE REASON""" that was suggested that it's reopening had nothing to do with crowds. Vague and aggravating does not become this forum.

Yes, I told you it was going to close. That's really sad though. I LOVED it.
And, about the queue, part of the original one (as seen on the video) was used during the really busy days.
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More questions that come to mind, viewing the videos...

Why has the mobility of the trike's beak been reduced? They used to be able to open and close their mouths - now it's stuck open. Loses a bit of realism here...
Why no more "touching" the trike? When I originally visited Islands in 2004 (much, much younger then) I was one of the few lucky children selected to touch Topper - the gate was moved in and we were allowed to gently stroke her beak. I thought it was the coolest thing! (Even though I knew it was an animatronic at that point - you got to touch the damn thing!)
And finally - why isn't the researcher inside the gates like (s)he used to be? You know, with the dino. Now he stands awkwardly outside the gate like a guest.

I'm thrilled the Trikes returned in any capacity - just curious why these changes were made.
Why has the mobility of the trike's beak been reduced? They used to be able to open and close their mouths - now it's stuck open. Loses a bit of realism here...

The video from a few weeks ago showed much more movement in the beak... it might be technical; one trike has all its capabilities and yet another does not. While I know these robots are complicated... couldn't they come up with something more reliable ten years later? Personally, I see the skin as the most complex of the whole creature.
Great find! :rep: :thumbs:

:-X eep... don't give the rep to me, it's Samuele's website and video! :lol:

--- Update ---

More questions that come to mind, viewing the videos...

Why has the mobility of the trike's beak been reduced? They used to be able to open and close their mouths - now it's stuck open. Loses a bit of realism here...
Why no more "touching" the trike? When I originally visited Islands in 2004 (much, much younger then) I was one of the few lucky children selected to touch Topper - the gate was moved in and we were allowed to gently stroke her beak. I thought it was the coolest thing! (Even though I knew it was an animatronic at that point - you got to touch the damn thing!)
And finally - why isn't the researcher inside the gates like (s)he used to be? You know, with the dino. Now he stands awkwardly outside the gate like a guest.

I'm thrilled the Trikes returned in any capacity - just curious why these changes were made.

I mentioned those things on the survey sheets they gave out. Hopefully they'll fix them when the show comes back again.
If the reason it wasn't opened for crowd control what was it then? To show off the AA's to use for the suppossedly JP4 movie maybe? :sneaky::shrug: