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Universal's New Park/Site B Blue Sky Thread

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If anything, it would be better as a single "DreamWorks" land with a few mini areas - like how Fantasyland has its 3 distinct areas.
I agree. I think Shrek, Madagascar, Dragons, and Panda could combine into one 20-acre ish land. Nothing huge per each series (some could probably get bigger than others, though), but not too little either, and not too much Dreamworks overall. In fact, I think Park 3 should be filled out with lands like this, rather than JUST full-IP lands.
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It'll be interesting to see how Universal treats lands. IP-specific lands make parades very difficult. Look at IOA. You can't have a full park parade. You can't have Marvel people parading in Seuss or Dudley Do-Right in Hogsmeade.

Also, expansion becomes difficult. You can't add in a one-off ride. You have to build a land around it. If you want to expand a land, you better hope that IP is still relevant. Look at Toon Lagoon. Can't expand that because the IPs dead. That means you have to bulldoze the whole thing and start fresh.

Disney has been doing generic lands (Adventureland, Streets of America, etc, etc) for a really long time, and just barely dipping their feet into IP specific lands. There's pros and cons to both, but it'll be interesting to see where Universal stands.
In toon lagoon defense, Universal owns (will own) around 50% of the IPs used in the area minus Popeye, Betty Boop and Popeye when the dreamworks deal goes through. So I doubt Toon Lagoon will ever go away anymore, might get an upgrade though.

It would be a waste of money for Comcast to retheme the area, then rebuild a classic toon area in a new park so I think that idea is gone with the wind.
If anything, it would be better as a single "DreamWorks" land with a few mini areas - like how Fantasyland has its 3 distinct areas.

My issue with this is Fantasyland's properties lend themselves to being in close proximity to one another. I don't think the DW ones do. You'd have to work really hard not to make Shrek, Dragons, Panda, and Madagascar not look like crap jammed up against one another.

In fact, if they're just going to do mini lands for them, split them up. Stick HTTYD in a fantasy land with Zelda (or something similar), Madagascar in an Adventureland, Etc
My issue with this is Fantasyland's properties lend themselves to being in close proximity to one another. I don't think the DW ones do. You'd have to work really hard not to make Shrek, Dragons, Panda, and Madagascar not look like crap jammed up against one another.

In fact, if they're just going to do mini lands for them, split them up. Stick HTTYD in a fantasy land with Zelda (or something similar), Madagascar in an Adventureland, Etc

Fair concern. Although the new IPs don't all have to go into the 3rd park. Maybe do a "Fantasy Forrest" so you can include Shrek's swamp and eventually branches out to Valley of Peace and/or Berk. Of course, I'm hoping they dedicate 200 acres to a park. :lol:
I don't care how big the park is, I just want as many attractions packed into this park as Disneyland and DCA combined with at least 40-70% being D to E level attractions. (Disneyland and DCA combine cover 152 acres with 88 attractions(shows rides and entertainment between the two)
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My issue with this is Fantasyland's properties lend themselves to being in close proximity to one another. I don't think the DW ones do. You'd have to work really hard not to make Shrek, Dragons, Panda, and Madagascar not look like crap jammed up against one another.

In fact, if they're just going to do mini lands for them, split them up. Stick HTTYD in a fantasy land with Zelda (or something similar), Madagascar in an Adventureland, Etc
And Megamind in Tomorrowland :) Also isn't it so convenient how they already have an AA filled Madagascar ride perfect for cloning?
I don't care how big the park is, I just want as many attractions packed into this park as Disneyland and DCA combined with at least 40-70% being D to E level attractions. (Disneyland and DCA combine cover 152 acres with 88 attractions(shows rides and entertainment between the two)
My issue with this is Fantasyland's properties lend themselves to being in close proximity to one another. I don't think the DW ones do. You'd have to work really hard not to make Shrek, Dragons, Panda, and Madagascar not look like crap jammed up against one another.

In fact, if they're just going to do mini lands for them, split them up. Stick HTTYD in a fantasy land with Zelda (or something similar), Madagascar in an Adventureland, Etc

I don't know if I share the same concern. I mean, just look at The Lost Continent pre Potter. It was itself a land made up of three mini lands with vastly different design ascetics (Ancient Greek, ancient Arabic and medieval England) that in theory should not have meshed well together all things considered but in practice created an amazing area.
Really? I thought it looked ok in the videos. I'm probably missing something here.

It was suppose to have a whole other story to the ride with a splash down that they were never able to get working... Hence why the show building is so big and why it was delayed so long after the park opened.
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I would love something like this in the third park.....minus the randomness of them playing Still Dre by Dr. Dre and Snoop rapping the N word on a kids ride (yes that legitimately occurs during the ride)

I don't know if I share the same concern. I mean, just look at The Lost Continent pre Potter. It was itself a land made up of three mini lands with vastly different design ascetics (Ancient Greek, ancient Arabic and medieval England) that in theory should not have meshed well together all things considered but in practice created an amazing area.

Let's just say I'll agree to disagree. All those lands were/are great separately, but I don't think it ever worked well back to back to back.

But IOA's Achilles heel has always been garbage thematic transitions

Really? I thought it looked ok in the videos. I'm probably missing something here.
It was suppose to have a whole other story to the ride with a splash down that they were never able to get working... Hence why the show building is so big and why it was delayed so long after the park opened.

Yea, it was a big thing. If they decided to rework it so the upstairs works, maybe I could get behind it.

I would love something like this in the third park.....minus the randomness of them playing Still Dre by Dr. Dre and Snoop rapping the N word on a kids ride (yes that legitimately occurs during the ride)

I think this is the perfect thing for HTTYD
I think too many people are worrying about a DM property being fantasy land. But I see it being way more of a mix. I see an awesome steel coaster for dragons with then a dragon spinner and a dragon simulator type thing or dark ride. There would be something for everyone in each iP. I feel like DM does a good job of getting adults and kids to love their properties and because of that you can do a good mix of high thrill, kiddie, and family rides.
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Motiongate are building a Mack Inverted Powered coaster for their Berk section, the ride just lends itself to that. You can have it set up for dark ride segments which Arthur has perfectly, and you can set it up for the coaster sections. Plus, on Arthur the bit you fly over the indoor plaza area is great, imagine doing that over Berk itself. Perfect family attraction.

The use of the N word in Arthur is just odd, like it's no big thing, just funny the Mack family signed off on that. Especially then when you see kids on that section of the ride grooving to the rap. Another random thing, when it broke down, it started up but played Paradise by Coldplay for half the ride. Odd.

But yes, this ride type needs to be used more. Omnimover style station for good capacity, 1 metre height restriction and with a big enough budget, endless possibilities. Arthur is near enough perfect. While we're at it, a Mack Megacoaster would be nice too, those things are so smooth yet fun.
I think too many people are worrying about a DM property being fantasy land. But I see it being way more of a mix. I see an awesome steel coaster for dragons with then a dragon spinner and a dragon simulator type thing or dark ride. There would be something for everyone in each iP. I feel like DM does a good job of getting adults and kids to love their properties and because of that you can do a good mix of high thrill, kiddie, and family rides.
I don't really see a problem with DW being Fantasyland. Just because it's Fantasyland doesn't mean it's all rides that hold no interest for adults. Just look at the new B&tB ride announced for Tokyo.
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