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Universal's New Park/Site B Blue Sky Thread

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China is ripping off the greatest attractions of Dis/Uni like you haven't yet seen. Big companies paying big bucks for copies of their greatest attractions which are also rewritten with new character names but based on the original IPs. I don't believe China knows what a patent or copyright is. Hell, they couldn't even build their own aircraft carrier, bought it from Ukraine or Russia... Who'd want that rust-bucket?

Firstly, I have no clue how I miss this until now! LOL I'm getting slow.

I am fully aware of the copyright issues within China as a whole. It's a travesty really, and makes you question then why so many of these companies what to jump in bed with them so quickly. I mean, I understand why they want to, but if it were me I would abstain from doing so out of shear protest. My comment was meant only to reflect the Wanda Groups parks though, which as of yet have shown no signs of using IP's at all even if some of the ride systems are copies with an 'original' story overlaid. That is unless you count the Disney costume characters making an appearance for meet and greets and Wanda's new park, which seems to be solely a hit against Disney as the Wanda President is very anti Disney. The fact that Wanda is denying it ever happened is face of countless photographic evidence is sad and hysterical all at once!
So Beijing is looking like
  1. Jurassic World
  2. SpongeBob
  3. Shrek
  4. HTTYD
  5. Madagascar
  6. Kung Fu Panda
  7. Despicable Me/Illumination
  8. Simpsons
  9. Mario/DK/Yoshi
  10. King Kong
  11. The Mummy
  12. Fast and Furious
  13. Transformers
  14. Harry Potter
Wouldn't be surprised if Kong and Mummy and the other Classic Monsters are grouped into one Monster-themed area. Especially if the new monster movies are successful.

14 IPs makes sense for opening day... not too much, not too little.

I'm not sure about that The Simpsons would be coming to USB (Regardless if the Beijing Store shows some potential revenue), personally.
I think I remember someone saying that Nintendo wasn't planned for Beijing either, at least not at opening.

I think that was either @testtrack321 or @JungleSkip but I can be wrong, but yeah.

I get Nintendo, as even if the Chineese doesn't recognize the IP; they still get enjoyable attractions, but Simpsons has had some..issues in the past, especially with China.
AFAIH Nintendo will only be coming to UOR, USH, and USJ

And as I said in the past; that makes sense.

I hope that Spirit over there is right, but for now; USH, UOR and USJ seem like the perfect choices (feeling bad for Singapore though) as they've been the ones rumored since the announcement over a year ago. The question is, if they all launch within a year period or much like the Hogsmeade treatment.
And as I said in the past; that makes sense.

I hope that Spirit over there is right, but for now; USH, UOR and USJ seem like the perfect choices (feeling bad for Singapore though) as they've been the ones rumored since the announcement over a year ago. The question is, if they all launch within a year period or much like the Hogsmeade treatment.

I would expect USJ and UOR to open within a year of each other.

Singapore is weird. They're handcuffed on what they can and can't build thanks to some Singapore emissions laws
Comcast is slowly getting into E-Sports (video game tournaments) with sponsorships and investments in it. Should be noted if they choose to go that way what may happen for the third park.
Just saw the new Warcraft movie yesterday and I thought it was excellent. Very Lord of the Rings like. I would like to see Universal use that IP for a big land for the third gate.
Reviews have been mostly really bad. Did you pkay the games?
Reviews have been mostly really bad. Did you pkay the games?

US reviews have been mostly bad, international reviews have been decent to fantastic. Don't know why there seems to be such a disconnect but those who seen it already say good film for what it is. Not the best but far from the worst.

If Universal did add it to the park, it would be the first attraction for a film for Universal that flopped in the US but murdered the box office overseas. But not the first attraction based on a worldwide flop which is the best attraction ever known as waterworld
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Reviews have been mostly really bad. Did you pkay the games?

Most of the review's I've seen of Warcraft on the domestic front barely talks about the film, but about the decline of the IP itself, and other things that make no sense to talk about in a review for a film. Likewise, International reviews have faired much better.

From what it seems, its a film that is muddled in its story, as it focused heavily on its visuals. But; it also sounds like it isn't bad, not by any stretch of the imagination. And what they are going to probably look at, mainly is the worldwide box office; from both Comcast and Blizzards perspectives if it was a wise investment.

I could see it pop up in USB, because it is popular in China; and it could spark interest if the film profits to make a sequel (as the Warcraft universe does have many stories to tell, and not just what we'll be seeing in this first film).

Do I see it in the third gate? I wouldn't rule it out, but I would doubt it.
IMDB reviews give it a 8 out of 10. That isn't bad.

Eh, I have long sense stopped trusting in IMDB user reviews and ratings. The site has become over run by fanboys and trolls and the film ratings have become skewed because of it. You have a massive groups of people whose goals are to battle each other, hoping for movie thread to movie thread regardless of actual interest, and then proceed to flood the user ratings with 1's and 10's to try and affect the final rating regardless if the films are actually good or not.
Yea, I think Warcraft is going to do pretty poorly in the US. I've seen hardly any ads for it which leads me to believe they don't have much faith in it and are trying to save by skimping out on marketing. As a fan I'm going to see it. Some of these critics have me scratching my head, one guy gave it 0/100. I can't comment on its quality as I've yet to see it, but there is absolutely no way it's a 0/100. While I personally feel many critics are being unfair, I think they unfortunately will represent many people in the general audience. There seems to be a very negative stigma against this ip in the US from my perspective, almost have to feel guilty for enjoying Warcraft. Not only that, it's also fighting the stigma of being a video game movie. So it begs the question, is it getting a lot of hate from critics in the US because it's truly a crap movie, or are most critics going into it like snobs and not giving it a fair chance?

I think it's probably a little bit of both. It certainly has flaws, so it just depends if those flaws in addition to the viewers biases towards the ip, whether positive or negative, have a large impact on their impressions. I think the only hope the movie has in the US is if it makes a positive impression among those that do go out and see it and then word of mouth carries it.

I can see Warcraft doing real strong overseas (already off to a good start, just need to see if it has legs), and especially China. Wouldn't be too surprised to see something Warcraft being made in an overseas park, but unlikely here in the US.
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