I think once Phase 2 opens, the park closing times will be the same for both parks. Whenever there are corporate buyouts, they usually let them in before park closes, and then by park close time, they only allow those with event badges + lanyards enter the rides, and inform everyone else that the park is closed. I'm not sure how they handle people who just stay hanging around, but they make it work. Recently, there was a BrightHouse event and before park close there were already a lot of people inside the park, all with their special lanyards. Also, I went to LeakyCon 2011 when they had bought out the WWoHP for one night and we could also be in the park from earlier; we had special wristbands and I can't remember if they also made us wear our Con badges + lanyards. Anyways, somehow they manage to make it work, and they do these events quite a lot, so I don't think it'll be an issue :thumbs: