Halloween Horror Nights 32 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors | Page 230 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 32 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors

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While I get the “ Never go alone” I agree it is a bad tagline. I know it’s not supposed to be taken literally but it makes people feel like losers for going alone. I know they spend Billions in marketing but I work for one of the most recognized brands in the world and their marketing is wrong a lot.

I’ll say it - if you’re offended by Never Go Alone then you’re telling on yourself.
I’ll say it - if you’re offended by Never Go Alone then you’re telling on yourself.
It’s not so much that it’s exclusionary as it is that it’s desperate - it’s very much part-and-parcel with Uni’s rather pathetic attempt to make “scream squad” happen. It’s beneath an event as wildly successful and trendsetting as HHN. There have been worse slogans (“So this is what fear tastes like”) but not a lot.
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I agree in that I don't like "Scream Squad" but.. I mean, I just don't care that much. The slogan could be "TheCodeMan95 sucks" and I'd still go
Who suggested they weren’t going because of the slogan? Saying it’s a fantastic event with some questionable marketing doesn’t seem like a particularly insulting or outlandish statement.
Everything HHN does is perfect and any criticism will not be tolerated.
Come on now... Literally no one is calling it a masterpiece. Pretty much everyone has just said it's mid like the rest of their slogans, but gets the job done. It's moreso that it's insane that we finally get an announcement and instead spend four whole pages in a row talking about a slogan we've had for three years now. The discussion has been had. It's been said. The criticism has been made time & time again. We have actual things worth speculating and instead are doing this. It's frustrating.
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Come on now... Literally no one is calling it a masterpiece. Pretty much everyone has just said it's mid like the rest of their slogans, but gets the job done. It's moreso that it's insane that we finally get an announcement and instead spend four whole pages in a row talking about a slogan we've had for three years now.
The fact that we’ve had the same slogan for three years is what’s interesting.

TLOU discussion is taking place in the designated thread. Sounds like it’ll be a hit!

Let’s frame this more positively- what previous catchphrases did folks like? I actually thought “See you in the fog” had a very pleasing mix of camaraderie, nostalgia, and anticipation, but my understanding is it’s associated with another event. “We know what scares you,” struck me as clean, direct, and spooky.
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Everything HHN does is perfect and any criticism will not be tolerated.
Come on. There's a difference between "I don't like the tag line" and "Universal is bullying me for going by myself"
The fact that we’ve had the same slogan for three years is what’s interesting.
Almost like it's working for them!
TLOU discussion is taking place in the designated thread. Sounds like it’ll be a hit!
There are far more discussions to be had outside of that though.

- We got a teaser video. Are there hints in it? The room Jordan is in is very casually themed to TLoU which was her characters announcement. Are there hints in the Drew & Sofia shots for future announcements? What about that poster? Etc.
- We got a TLoU house announcement, but no SZ. Is the rumored SZ not a thing?
- All Hallow's Boutique just opened with a new Monsters overlay. Any possible hints in it?
- The "Universal Legend" stuff is continuing in the teaser videos. Is this just marketing or hinting towards an icon?
- The Japanese themed original is said to be dead and now a Yeti/Skunk Ape house is rumored. Is the rumor anything? Community letting spec turn into rumor? If not a Yeti/Skunk Ape house, then what?

And so on...
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Maybe we should spin this conversation out into a “Does HHN Still Welcome Single Guests” thread so I don’t have to see it here.
Seconded the idea of a HHN Marketing thread, preferably under the General Horror Nights Discussion area
There are far more discussions to be had outside of that though.

- We got a teaser video. Are there hints in it? The room Jordan is in is very casually themed to TLoU which was her characters announcement. Are there hints in the Drew & Sofia shots for future announcements? Etc.
- We got a TLoU house announcement, but no SZ. Is the rumored SZ not a thing?
- All Hallow's Boutique just opened with a new Monsters overlay. Any possible hints in it?
- The "Universal Legend" stuff is continuing in the teaser videos. Is this just marketing or hinting towards an icon?
- The Japanese themed original is said to be dead and now a Yeti/Skunk Ape house is rumored.

And so on...
I love the Skunk Ape concept, but I’m afraid we kinda talked ourselves into the possibility of a house there. Is there any insider encouragement?

As for the other stuff - and this is strictly personal opinion - I find the attempts to read non-existent tea leaves the most meandering, pointless discussions of all. I can’t recall it ever really panning out - when Uni drops a hint, it’s usually pretty clearly a hint. Otherwise, it tends to boil down to, “Hey, this screenshot is tinged blue! Does that finally mean we’re getting a Murder Smurfs house?” But hey, if that’s what folks want to do, go nuts! I’m just some slob on a message board.

PS: OK, I see we’ve been told what to discuss.
I did pretty well with these predictions last year (delays aside), so Ima take another crack at it! Predictions for when we'll get our remaining announcements:
  • June 29th (or week of) - Monsters announcement. About the same time they announced it in 2019, and about the same time they announced Horrors of Blumhouse last year. Plus, just get it out of the way since everybody knows it's coming.

  • July 13th (or week of) - The Exorcist: Believer. I think it's around this time they'll drop the first trailer for the movie, so a good time to also reveal it's getting a house!

  • July 27th or 28th - Stranger Things 4 along with Frequent Fear. Exact same time Weeknd was announced last year, and once again saving the biggest IP for last.

  • August 15th - Original houses and scare zones.

  • September 1st - OPENING NIGHT!
I love the Skunk Ape concept, but I’m afraid we kinda talked ourselves into the possibility of a house there. Is there any insider encouragement?
It's been discussed back and forth heavily on here and the HNN discord, but never truly locked down. It was brought up here last month and Ringwraith stated that "If there are yetis this year, they are not of the swamp variety" which was not a denial of the entire concept, simply part of it. The rumor has persisted, but no one has been willing to say for certain if it's coming or not meaning we have a whole original house still floating around to speculate on either way.
It's been discussed back and forth heavily on here and the HNN discord, but never truly locked down. It was brought up here last month and Ringwraith stated that "If there are yetis this year, they are not of the swamp variety" which was not a denial of the entire concept, simply part of it. The rumor has persisted, but no one has been willing to say for certain if it's coming or not meaning we have a whole original house still floating around to speculate on either way.

This is what I am hoping it is. Bigfoot, Skunk Ape, Yeti 2, and Japanese Yetis were the four ideas passed to me. I haven't put much confidence in it because I can't get a whole lot of info. Especially when being told, "It's Yeti 2". Just sounds kinda.... out there.

Skunk Ape is ripe for a Sprung, but I keep hearing this Yeti house is in a Soundstage. Attack of the Swamp Yeti is basically Skunk Ape, so maybe we're finally getting a full-fledged house based on that concept.
Or Ringwraith heard one of these other rumors that seem to be going around.

It seems to be a hazy concept at the moment.

Or, all three or four of them are red herrings, one was given to each department, and now they know which departments are spilling the beans.
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