Halloween Horror Nights XX: Twenty Years of Fear | Page 104 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights XX: Twenty Years of Fear

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I think it was probably my least favorite HHN commercial. It still is not bad, but just a tiny bit disappointing.
I don't mind the commercial. The only thing that I think the commercial lacks is some old school creepyness and build-up in the storyline like in the storyteller's commercial and the HHN 16 commercials.
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The only problem I really see with the commercial is that with it being cut to commercial length it feels far too rushed to be effective. It's too bad they couldn't actually shoot a 3-4 minute short (especially considering they already had the sets, props, actor, crew, etc.) that really could have slowed down to tell at least a little story and have time to create some suspense. They could've edited that to the same 30 second cut we see there, but urging us to watch the full version online. Seems like that would've covered all bases -- create traffic to the HHN site and give us a short film introduction to the event (all at not much more cost than what we see here).
The best commercials they've done in recent years was CoC with the fortune teller tent and everything. This one was not worth the hype and buildup and everything around it. Not to mention the voice over is horrible.
You know what....I think the first HHN video of Fear (the one below) would be a better commercial than the one they are putting on our t.v's:


It's creepy, it builds-up, it hooks the viewer, and it shows the where to find more information. The only thing Universal needs to do to this video is tone it down a little bit without taking anything way from it and there you go! :)

Anyone agree?
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You know what....I think the first HHN video of Fear (the one below) would be a better commercial than the one they are putting on our t.v's:


It's creepy, it builds-up, it hooks the viewer, and it shows the where to find more information. The only thing Universal needs to do to this video is tone it down a little bit without taking anything way from it and there you go! :)

Anyone agree?

I do agree with you there...... Much creepier, much more effective.... And best yet, VERY inexpensive....
The commercial was o.k. The announcer was really bad and really killed anything creepy about the commercial. They had a good thought but the execution was not there. I'm still laughing about how much build they put on a commercial. The radio ad seems like it will be much better since I'm guessing it will be Fear doing the narration, creepy much like the Bloody Mary radio ad.
The only problem I really see with the commercial is that with it being cut to commercial length it feels far too rushed to be effective. It's too bad they couldn't actually shoot a 3-4 minute short (especially considering they already had the sets, props, actor, crew, etc.) that really could have slowed down to tell at least a little story and have time to create some suspense. They could've edited that to the same 30 second cut we see there, but urging us to watch the full version online. Seems like that would've covered all bases -- create traffic to the HHN site and give us a short film introduction to the event (all at not much more cost than what we see here).

That's what I've always felt the commercials should be. At least the old commercials were often up to a minute long, allowing for some very slow, methodical shots to build up the tension - great examples being 2002, 2006, 2007, and even 2008. Even a 2 minute little short of the security guard apprehensively approaching the lantern as FEAR begins his chant about the cycles, the same one used in the Fear Revealed teaser (with some atmospheric shots of the mask rack, the little cymbal monkey, etc. interspersed) - once he reaches it, the roar is heard, the guard flips around and is assaulted by FEAR. We hear the typical spiel about HHN, and then instead of the lame flashlight dropping, we get another shot of FEAR's jaws attacking.

The current commercial is better than 09's but not up to par with any of the post 2001 commercials. Maybe we shouldn't expect so much out of the commercial, but with them hyping it up so much with the big-time directors, I expected something far more eerie - hell, the Bloody Mary commercial appeared with the rest of the site updated and it was completely unsettling!
This commercial sucks, they should use the ad RocknRoller has linked up. For a character that is supposed to be the mastermind behind everything in the past 19 years it just doesn't feel scary or spooky enough for me. The best commercials IMO they ever did was the Blood Mary commercials followed by the caretaker followed by the COC.
The radio commercial has been spotted by several people today. If anyone has heard it, what is said?
Right now I wouldn't make individual threads just yet, since the event hasn't opened yet, but once it does, they should be available.
Yes, once the event starts we'll create individual house threads. But as of now it's better to keep one thread since there's not enough to talk about until we see them.
Wanted to ask since I haven't heard anything about it, but any chance we will see some scareactors within the rides themselves?