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Wizarding World - Diagon Alley Discussion (Opens 2014)

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    Votes: 154 88.0%
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    Votes: 21 12.0%
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Universal Pictures got in deep deep trouble back in the 20s or 30s for attempting to recreate genre success by doing the same thing over and over again. It nearly put them out of business. I would recommend stopping at Phase II and looking for the next new gold mine in World culture.
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I'm really hoping there will be a Fortescues ice cream shop. Just imagine a butterbeer ice cream, milkshake and a butterbeer float. Just imagine all the possible flavors ( I hope there aren't Bearty bott flavored ice creams).
Universal Pictures got in deep deep trouble back in the 20s or 30s for attempting to recreate genre success by doing the same thing over and over again. It nearly put them out of business. I would recommend stopping at Phase II and looking for the next new gold mine in World culture.

Exactly. Going to Phase III would just be an overkill. Either add to an existing area or do nothing at all.
Have any of those in the know heard even a whisper of this so-called Phase 3? Spirit mentioned it so off-the-cuff.

Suddenly it has me thinking - could this be destined for KidZone?

I believe phase 3 would be additions to both WWOHP:London and WWOHP: Hogsmeade. Like a Ministry of Magic in London and maybe the Shrieking Shack just outside of Hogsmeade. That kind of thing. Not something like Privet Drive or Godric's Hollow.
In both those cases, it would probably be an upgrade. MoM in the remaining Jaws plot, and SS near Hogwarts Express/Sinbad, right?
I honestly would have expected them to stop myself at Phase 2 myself (except for maybe some tweaks to Hogwarts). If it was anyone but Spirit (and the insiders on the boards here), I wouldn't believe it.

I just can't tell if he actually knows something or was wildly speculating to make his point.
I believe phase 3 would be additions to both WWOHP:London and WWOHP: Hogsmeade. Like a Ministry of Magic in London and maybe the Shrieking Shack just outside of Hogsmeade. That kind of thing. Not something like Privet Drive or Godric's Hollow.

Great, thanks!
I believe phase 3 would be additions to both WWOHP:London and WWOHP: Hogsmeade. Like a Ministry of Magic in London and maybe the Shrieking Shack just outside of Hogsmeade. That kind of thing.

With any further addition to Hogsmeade, that essentially means the end of LC correct?

I'd be curious to see how Mythos would be included/explained in an expanded WWHP.
I don't think it would make sense simply because there would be no way to connect it to the rest of the Wizarding World. But in theory, this would be cool because they could make the Gringotts ride more thrilling and leave the less thrilling HP rides in KidZone
This is really far fetched but they could have an area where you ride on top of Thestrals and travel to the Ministry just like in The Order of the Phoenix. This would be just like the HE in means of creative transportation from one area to the next and have an attraction in the ministry.
It is most likely never going to happen though. But you never know. Anything is possible.:shrug:
I would not at all mind a Phase III (massively biased? me? never!), but the only way I could see that happening would be the way Disneyhead laid it out. And I'd argue it wouldn't be overkill, necessarily.
All I would add is, if they took JAWS out for Harry Potter, they darn better well use every square inch of it for Harry Potter. So, I guess I hope they can justify MoM down the road.
I would not at all mind a Phase III (massively biased? me? never!), but the only way I could see that happening would be the way Disneyhead laid it out. And I'd argue it wouldn't be overkill, necessarily.

After Phase II it is going to be strange not looking forward towards any new lands...but just as the Harry Potter movies had to end, so do the expansions...it is time for something else, Trek or Mordor oriented imo
I'm really hoping there will be a Fortescues ice cream shop. Just imagine a butterbeer ice cream, milkshake and a butterbeer float. Just imagine all the possible flavors ( I hope there aren't Bearty bott flavored ice creams).

YES! And many other unique flavors :thumbs:

Universal Pictures got in deep deep trouble back in the 20s or 30s for attempting to recreate genre success by doing the same thing over and over again. It nearly put them out of business. I would recommend stopping at Phase II and looking for the next new gold mine in World culture.

I'm a big HP fan, but I agree that two sections is plenty for UOR. If anything, add or modify the existing, wherever necessary.

Regarding the SS and the MoM, I just don't see them coming as attractions to UOR.

The Shrieking Shack is eye candy, in its own dark way, so I could see how it would be cool to have a replica of the building that rocks side-to-side and makes noises... but there's just no place to put it in Hogsmeade.

The MoM would have to be massive to be acceptable. Either a massive walk-through, or a massive E-ticket. (Ideally, it would be all physical sets, effects, and maybe some musion). I think the only possibility would be for it to take over FFL and maybe even any space between Phase II and FFL. Here's the thing, though: As much as I'd enjoy a MoM, and as much as FFL is widely disliked/not-cared-for (myself included), I don't think Uni would take away the theater. I think they would probably go with a new show before losing the venue entirely and permanently.

EDIT: There's a picture update from earlier today over at FTN. (Scroll all the way down) :thumbs:
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EDIT: There's a picture update from earlier today over at FTN. (Scroll all the way down) :thumbs:

Hogwarts Express station construction:


I think the SS could be similar to how Disney did beasts castle or te Eiffel Tower in Epcot where as you can see it but can't really go up to it
i think the idea for a Phase III isn't overkill, unless they really did make a new park for it. i think that's overdoing it, but making additions and minor expansions to both areas is just fine. i think i literally need a Ministry of Magic (at least a walkthrough) in London, but like it involves you doing a walkthrough and then suddenly the Ministry is under siege by the Deatheaters and you have get out as fast as you can. it could borrow the final scenes from Order of the Phoenix when the kids come to the Ministry but for some other reason (idk i'm rambling the idea's been in my brain for a long time lol).

also, a Whomping Willow ride would be cool too! idk what you could do for the Shrieking Shack though. BUT A FORBIDDEN FOREST DARK RIDE WOULD KICK SOME SERIOUS A's!
I really love Potter but I will facepalm so hard if Universal does anymore than Phase II and slight expansions. That's how Universal shoots itself in the foot. The money needs to go into other properties and more rides. Not more of the same. We have enough of that elsewhere.
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