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Wizarding World - Diagon Alley Discussion (Opens 2014)

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    Votes: 154 88.0%
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    Votes: 21 12.0%
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I really love Potter but I will facepalm so hard if Universal does anymore than Phase II and slight expansions. That's how Universal shoots itself in the foot. The money needs to go into other properties and more rides. Not more of the same. We have enough of that elsewhere.

I agree whole heartedly Tom. Other than filling in the rest of the JAWS plot, to flesh out the area, I wouldn't want them to do any further saturation. Thanks for the pics BJ.
Hogwarts Express station construction:

"King's Cross Station load platform is going to be a wonder at close to a football field in length and fully themed complete with glass ceiling. The ride system isn't actually a ride system as much as a real 176 passenger Doppelmayr commuter train with Parallax screens for windows."

Are both stations of the Hogwarts Express going to have this "football field in length" impressive station? Or is just 1 side going to have it?

Also does anybody think we will get a more detailed announcement from Universal anytime soon? According to the timeline for when Phase I opened, we might not get a more detailed plan announced until this September or October, assuming Phase II opens in summer 2014.
I really love Potter but I will facepalm so hard if Universal does anymore than Phase II and slight expansions. That's how Universal shoots itself in the foot. The money needs to go into other properties and more rides. Not more of the same. We have enough of that elsewhere.

Yup. Phase II should be the end of it.

Also does anybody think we will get a more detailed announcement from Universal anytime soon?

Don't hold your breath.
Htf said announcement could be anywhere between September 2013 and April 2014. I asked a few pages back
Anybody care to share insight on why the turbidity barrier is still along the embankment? Is it easier to keep it there until the entire project is wrapped up, whether action is near the shoreline or not?
Anybody care to share insight on why the turbidity barrier is still along the embankment? Is it easier to keep it there until the entire project is wrapped up, whether action is near the shoreline or not?

Im sure it has reappeared after being removed after the wall was completed. Maybe their about to add the finishing touches of lion heads and lamps?
Htf said announcement could be anywhere between September 2013 and April 2014. I asked a few pages back

That's the best educated guess we have right now. Universal could pull the trigger sooner than expected or drag it out, but it's probably gonna happen somewhere in that time frame. I'm gonna take a guess and say that Universal's 2013 Christmas gift to us will be the official announcement. So I'm guessing an announcement around the Holidays.

Anybody care to share insight on why the turbidity barrier is still along the embankment? Is it easier to keep it there until the entire project is wrapped up, whether action is near the shoreline or not?

Since there's still work to be done there, there's no point in taking it out, only to put it back in a few months later. Well, I guess there is the point of aesthetics, but :shrug:
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Since there's still work to be done there, there's no point in taking it out, only to put it back in a few months later. Well, I guess there is the point of aesthetics, but :shrug:[/QUOTE]

I thought this had recently reappeared, my bad.
Here are a few shots of weasley wizard wheezes (65A), not great photos but should give a flavour of what we may get.






i wonder if they'll actually make the Puking Pastilles like i wonder what they taste like.

i know WWW will probably just be a dressed up gift shop, but it wouldn't hurt to have a few of Fred & George's pranks, the ones that were the most popular in both the books and among the fans
I believe phase 3 would be additions to both WWOHP:London and WWOHP: Hogsmeade. Like a Ministry of Magic in London and maybe the Shrieking Shack just outside of Hogsmeade. That kind of thing. Not something like Privet Drive or Godric's Hollow.

DH that's exactly what i was thinking. Ministry of Magic where Fear Factor is ORR a 077 ride/show!

- - - Updated - - -

i think the idea for a Phase III isn't overkill, unless they really did make a new park for it. i think that's overdoing it, but making additions and minor expansions to both areas is just fine. i think i literally need a Ministry of Magic (at least a walkthrough) in London, but like it involves you doing a walkthrough and then suddenly the Ministry is under siege by the Deatheaters and you have get out as fast as you can. it could borrow the final scenes from Order of the Phoenix when the kids come to the Ministry but for some other reason (idk i'm rambling the idea's been in my brain for a long time lol).

also, a Whomping Willow ride would be cool too! idk what you could do for the Shrieking Shack though. BUT A FORBIDDEN FOREST DARK RIDE WOULD KICK SOME SERIOUS A's!

I can see Shrieking Shack haunted walk through type attraction! and i would love a Forbidden Forest Dark Ride sorta like a Haunted Mansion type ride!
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