Wizarding World - Diagon Alley Discussion (Opens 2014) | Page 491 | Inside Universal Forums

Wizarding World - Diagon Alley Discussion (Opens 2014)

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You know whats insane? Someone asks for the Wizarding World Phase 2 Water Managment document and BOOM, there's the link. lol. Ohhhh the internet...
So, it is looking as if we will not be able to enter The Leaky Cauldron restaurant from London, but only through the "back door" from Diagon. Anyone have thoughts on this?

That makes a lot of sense for crowd control. I'm hoping, though, that they will build a real door/entrance to leaky from London, and they can just keep it closed during very busy times and make it available during less busy times.

I think we'll enter through a Leaky themed space, but the restaurant will be separate for obvious reasons.

I also think the area that looks wide open right now is actually the exit. We'll enter to the left of the concrete wall through "Leaky" and exit through the open area (an alley between Leicester and Wyhndam?)

*All guesswork. I have no knowledge other than what I read online and being a huge Potter fan.

I posted my thoughts on this in the Secret Stash :wave:
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The team members at Transformers, Spidey, etc actually compete to see who can prevent the most stolen glasses. So, they're being proactive about glasses theft now that they have the more expensive ones.

When we went on DM, they gave us a piece of paper because we were not taking glasses for our son. We needed that upon exit because they were looking for everyone to drop glasses in the bucket and since we did not have one for him, we handed them the paper instead so we were not accused of stealing a pair.
Fair enough. I would prefer the ride without glasses anyways but I'm not going to judge before I go on the ride. Plus I'm pretty sure I'm going to love the ride regardless being such a huge Potter fan that I am. The only thing is I don't know what I'm most excited for: Hogwarts Express, Gringotts, or everything else in Phase 2. What do you think?

Probably the man-eating pea soup at the Leaky :lol: No, I'm actually pretty excited for just DA itself. People thought walking in through the front entrance to Hogsmeade was breathtaking with the sight of the castle, just wait until we walk through a small facade entrance and all of a sudden: Boom. Tall, crooked buildings, bustling shops, and then Gringotts looming in the back. THAT is what I'm excited for.
More of King's Cross arches have gone up......

From @struvebrandon

Amity construction is going crazy.

Probably the man-eating pea soup at the Leaky :lol: No, I'm actually pretty excited for just DA itself. People thought walking in through the front entrance to Hogsmeade was breathtaking with the sight of the castle, just wait until we walk through a small facade entrance and all of a sudden: Boom. Tall, crooked buildings, bustling shops, and then Gringotts looming in the back. THAT is what I'm excited for.

I got goosebumps right now just thinking about walking through Diagon Alley! and getting on Hogwarts Express!
Wasn't there a rumor in the ST2 thread that, due to the costs of the Dolby 3D glasses, each pair had an embedded RFID chip? Seems to me that would be an easy solution to combat "wandering" glasses.
Any thoughts or ideas of how B&B is going to be presented? I know we've been told that it will be a walk-through attraction, but I'm curious as to exactly HOW it will be executed. Plus, I kind of want to see what crazy things we can think up here. I'll be surprised if the Hand of Glory doesn't make an appearance as a "jump scare," but I'm hoping we get some character interaction. Maybe "customers" or other recognizable wizards and witches will be meandering the store as well?
I wonder why he/they chose today to post it?

A few days late with this (in reference to the information from TPI that is thought to be leaked by Universal).

Perhaps it had something to do with all the chatter online about the Star Wars Land Survey. The news-sphere actually picked up on that, I saw it on TV news, across Facebook (I am in Canada) and online at "non-themepark sites".

As for an announcement, I really am starting to suspect Universal will counter the D23 announcements (in August), indications are pointing to some big things brewing for WDW.
Wasn't there a rumor in the ST2 thread that, due to the costs of the Dolby 3D glasses, each pair had an embedded RFID chip? Seems to me that would be an easy solution to combat "wandering" glasses.

I think that's just a prank to scare park guests from stealing them, but that's for another thread. I would imagine that Gringotts will not require 3D glasses.
Any thoughts or ideas of how B&B is going to be presented? I know we've been told that it will be a walk-through attraction, but I'm curious as to exactly HOW it will be executed. Plus, I kind of want to see what crazy things we can think up here. I'll be surprised if the Hand of Glory doesn't make an appearance as a "jump scare," but I'm hoping we get some character interaction. Maybe "customers" or other recognizable wizards and witches will be meandering the store as well?

The Vanishing Cabinet and the Hands of Flory stand out to me the most. They also could have some of Voldemort's Horcruxe's. He once worked at Borgin & Burkes and got some of the items he turned into Horcruxes there. Also there's the cursed Opal Necklace that Draco Malfoy buys from there and the Crushing Cabinet, but that is a torture device and might be a tad too much for young ones lol I also like the idea of a moving death eater statue? Even though it's supposed to be family orieneted I really hope it's on the spooky side. I mean how family oriented is it really? it's a dark magic store lol so I don't see why it can't be a little more risky along some lines.
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From what I understand the train will back in to KCS all the way to the front. And yes, the queue will be in the same section.

That doesn't make sense. The track doesn't turn around the corner and in the films platform 9 3/4 is magically hidden between platform 9 and 10. It doesn't make sense to enter the station and immediately be in front of the Hogwarts Express.

For the benefit of a mental image, where is the entrance to Kings Cross?
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