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Halloween Horror Nights 23 Speculation

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My take? (At least) more than one. Consensus is 2012 was weak. But I think 2011 was particularly strong--great houses, two very good scare zones with a clever gimmick in a third--and 2010 was at least alright. More importantly, we know a number of factors came together at once to hurt 2012, so I'm inclined to give them a mulligan. And even then, we still had two or three stellar houses and, for many B&T fans, the strongest show in years. Also a gimmick of roaming hordes that doesn't work as a replacement for SZs but is certainly a fun addition to them.

Speaking of B&T--out of curiosity, which are your favorite years in the "modern era" (since the switch from stunt fight finale to dance party finale)? As I said, a lot of people thought 2012 was the best in years, but you clearly hated it. Not attacking you, just wondering what your benchmark is.

2006 was one of my personal favorites..Captain Jack was hilarious as was Lex Luthor as the villian
Bill & Ted 2012 was easily the worst show I've seen, written by a new, apparently mediocre, writer. There was no plot - no character - and barely any funny jokes. (Those random Don Draper bits? Really?) You know you're in trouble when the biggest laughs come from the blooper reel before the show started. I've yet to hear from anyone this was the best show yet... where exactly did you hear that, if I may ask? The only slightly memorable bit was the Epic Rap Battle between Barack & Romney - that I really enjoyed and thought was clever, though I thought 2008's McCain v Obama sketch was funnier. Either way, this year's got censored thanks to that braindead news article going viral, so I guess we can check political jokes off the list of things Bill & Ted now can't make fun of...

I went to Hollywood's HHN last year and they revolved their plot around the Hunger Games. Was I seeing the same show or something completely different?
I went to Hollywood's HHN last year and they revolved their plot around the Hunger Games. Was I seeing the same show or something completely different?
Something completely different. If there's something we can always count on with HHN, it's that B&T is always different the two coasts.
When Bill and Ted left IOA it went straight Down Hill the year Avatar came out and they made No reference to it was the beginning of the down hill spiral. I saw Bill in Ted starting 1998 it was fun and Edgy and made fun of everyone. Now it is just a sad shadow of what it was. Last year with all the Mad Men references was just pathetic. I have heard people say well it was a slow year or that if you would have gone on the 12th night it got better. The creative team have lost there way 5 bad years in a row just proves it. Also anyone that can explain Al Rooker from last year please do so. Bill and Ted need to send the phone booth to another time zone because this one is not funny.
Rocky Horror has been confirmed via facebook.

Guess what’s returning to Halloween Horror Nights this year…#HHN23

When Bill and Ted left IOA it went straight Down Hill the year Avatar came out and they made No reference to it was the beginning of the down hill spiral. I saw Bill in Ted starting 1998 it was fun and Edgy and made fun of everyone. Now it is just a sad shadow of what it was. Last year with all the Mad Men references was just pathetic. I have heard people say well it was a slow year or that if you would have gone on the 12th night it got better. The creative team have lost there way 5 bad years in a row just proves it. Also anyone that can explain Al Rooker from last year please do so. Bill and Ted need to send the phone booth to another time zone because this one is not funny.

I disagree. I think if anything last year was an "On" year. If we want to talk about bad shows we can talk about 2008 and 2010. 2007, 2011, and 2012 were completely decent. 2006 was the only year that was REALLY funny to me. 2009 was really funny from what I remember, but I only saw the show once, I heard it plenty of times though.

2006 was the last year that was hilarious, and it's unfortunate that the show has been dictated by the state parody laws ever since. That is honestly my opinion, I'm sure plenty disagree with me, but that show was a lot better than Bill and Ted meet Hellboy and the producer guy from 2010. I'll take last years show over even 2011, which at times was only meta for the sake of being meta. Which is still better than the Family Guy esque jokes of 2008 and 2010, i.e. introducing a character to just make a joke about said character.

Bill and Ted is very subjective and can be very hit and miss. Since 2006 the one show I remember being absolutely hilarious was 2009, and as I said, I only saw the show once. Even really off years have really funny bits though. The bed intruder intro in 2010 was ridiculously fun and funny. The rest of the show might have been less than stellar for me but I died laughing there. 2008 had one of the all time funniest intros I can remember with Juno, Barack Obama and Daniel Plainview. Then you have 2007 which felt really stale at times but had some great one liners, i.e. MyBolognaHasA2nd name being Michael Myers AIM and the spot for Spiderman 3 coming out of Spiderman's ass. It's all subjective, but I've still yet to watch a Bill and Ted that wasn't at least partially funny to me, and some of them were really stale.
I disagree. I think if anything last year was an "On" year. If we want to talk about bad shows we can talk about 2008 and 2010. 2007, 2011, and 2012 were completely decent. 2006 was the only year that was REALLY funny to me. 2009 was really funny from what I remember, but I only saw the show once, I heard it plenty of times though.

2006 was the last year that was hilarious, and it's unfortunate that the show has been dictated by the state parody laws ever since. That is honestly my opinion, I'm sure plenty disagree with me, but that show was a lot better than Bill and Ted meet Hellboy and the producer guy from 2010. I'll take last years show over even 2011, which at times was only meta for the sake of being meta. Which is still better than the Family Guy esque jokes of 2008 and 2010, i.e. introducing a character to just make a joke about said character.

Bill and Ted is very subjective and can be very hit and miss. Since 2006 the one show I remember being absolutely hilarious was 2009, and as I said, I only saw the show once. Even really off years have really funny bits though. The bed intruder intro in 2010 was ridiculously fun and funny. The rest of the show might have been less than stellar for me but I died laughing there. 2008 had one of the all time funniest intros I can remember with Juno, Barack Obama and Daniel Plainview. Then you have 2007 which felt really stale at times but had some great one liners, i.e. MyBolognaHasA2nd name being Michael Myers AIM and the spot for Spiderman 3 coming out of Spiderman's ass. It's all subjective, but I've still yet to watch a Bill and Ted that wasn't at least partially funny to me, and some of them were really stale.

I think this post just demonstrates just how subjective Bill & Ted really is, confirming your point. I agree 2010 was awful, but I thought 2011 and 2012 were just as bad if not worse (especially '12) - yet many people will tell me that 2010 got "really good" by the end. I thought 2008 was really funny (I too loved the political showdown intro - and the Sweeney Todd intro with the Sex & The City girls had me laughing hysterically). 2009 was my favorite - really solid plot, great choice of characters, funny jokes that didn't overstay their welcome, just enough nerd humor with the Star Trek scenes, and a great dance number at the end.
Lots of new post on Evil Takes Root.



Whoever put the note on my windshield knows where I’ll be and when. Can’t get that out of my head…PS

July 17 (3rd Post)
NEITHER DEAD NOR BURIED…YETPosted in Uncategorized by PS

Pretty clear what’s happening here. So these are pages from a book of hand-drawn sketches. As disturbing as all of this is, it pales in comparison to what I found in the box…PS


July 17 (2nd Post)
BADGE OF HORRORPosted in Uncategorized by PS

Realized that this is not really a badge with a star but a pentagram with symbols. Haven’t had time to research them and am hoping you can assist…PS


July 17 (1st Post)
STITCHEDPosted in Uncategorized by PS

Upon closer examination, what looked like tracks now appear like stitching. Not sure what the other lines were meant to signify. Two more to follow…PS


July 16
SEE FOR YOURSELFPosted in Uncategorized by PS

Here are all three photographs in one scan. They speak for themselves. Will post each individually so you can get a closer look….PS (By the way, only a complete bonehead would be dumb enough put their cat’s real name on a blog where everyone is trying to figure out who they are.)

I cant complain about any specific year. Bill and Ted brings a fun energy to the event. Some of you are just really pessimistic about HHN.

Sorry when you sit in a packed stadium for the show and you hear no laughs and people are leaving through out the show that is a Bad show. Oh I am sorry people are pessimistic about HHN I didn't realize this was Hey We only talk Great about HHN thread. It is an open forum opinion will vary.
Sorry when you sit in a packed stadium for the show and you hear no laughs and people are leaving through out the show that is a Bad show. Oh I am sorry people are pessimistic about HHN I didn't realize this was Hey We only talk Great about HHN thread. It is an open forum opinion will vary.

Out of all the years I have been going to HHN and seeing B&T I don't ever recall seeing people leave in disappointment or nobody laughing. I have seen quiet the opposite to tell the the truth, no matter how bad of a show we think one year was.
Some Bill & Ted shows have been... groan-inducing, to put it nicely. But hey, I still watch it every year..
So for those who have done the early AP event how has that effected the wait times you saw once you made it over to the sound stage houses? We usually do S&S and then head straight to the sound stage houses and work our way around clockwise and have had some pretty good success with that plan of action. But if we do the AP thing we will be on the opposite side of the park for a while and would want to head over to the sound stages right after but curious how the wait would be at that point
So for those who have done the early AP event how has that effected the wait times you saw once you made it over to the sound stage houses? We usually do S&S and then head straight to the sound stage houses and work our way around clockwise and have had some pretty good success with that plan of action. But if we do the AP thing we will be on the opposite side of the park for a while and would want to head over to the sound stages right after but curious how the wait would be at that point

I was not a fan of the Tent houses first, way to bright for my likin me or my GF couldn't see a damn thing when we first walked in. We had express passes so I didn't mater what strategy we used...
I was not a fan of the Tent houses first, way to bright for my likin me or my GF couldn't see a damn thing when we first walked in. We had express passes so I didn't mater what strategy we used...

We wont have express, I don't think. I either will do 1 of 2 things. I either do the early AP house then head over to sound stage or we do the Stay and Scream and head to sound stage and work our way around like I do every year. Also being so bright out may be a factor for us also. We did Walking Dead last year while still light out and wasn't the same for me.
IN 2010, 2011 people were walking out as it keep dragging and dragging. Of course maybe I miss Don Draper or Al Rooker as funny from last year or the amazing rap battle of Obama vs Romney. The year the Dark Knight I heard numerous people going were was the Joker, he had a quick camo. Sad for a character who still has a HUGE fan base. I want them to Bring Back Mr. Burns back now that would be a throw back. Any ideas what we should see this year? Did the use the Avengers last year? Walking Dead? Well they did use Honey Boo Boo, I am betting we will see some Duck Dynasty this year.
IN 2010, 2011 people were walking out as it keep dragging and dragging. Of course maybe I miss Don Draper or Al Rooker as funny from last year or the amazing rap battle of Obama vs Romney. The year the Dark Knight I heard numerous people going were was the Joker, he had a quick camo. Sad for a character who still has a HUGE fan base. I want them to Bring Back Mr. Burns back now that would be a throw back. Any ideas what we should see this year? Did the use the Avengers last year? Walking Dead? Well they did use Honey Boo Boo, I am betting we will see some Duck Dynasty this year.
The Joker was in that year for the first weekend..I believe he was removed for respects purposes