I've read these boards for a long time, just as I've read those at WDWMagic. This is a really distressing post.
For as much as you claim people are entitled to opinions and that you want a balanced discussion, you are essentially calling here for mods to quiet opinions with which you disagree. If you want a balanced discussion, balance posters you don't like, don't try to shut off debate. Argue their points. You don't want to do that, either, because you just dismiss an entire discussion out of hand by saying the posters need to "get a life." Maybe those posters are taking theme park merchandise and its cultural ramifications more seriously then you are comfortable doing, and not engaging on that level is fine. But again, your instinct is to try and shut down debates you don't like.
Epcy has a perspective. Nothing he's said is particularly inflammatory. I personally appreciate that he isn't simply posting "isn't this pretty" over and over again (Pandora IS pretty, we can all see that.)
I don't recall people getting this defensive over negative comments regarding Kong, of which there were more than a few.