The Old HHN 30 Speculation Thread (2020) | Page 351 | Inside Universal Forums

The Old HHN 30 Speculation Thread (2020)

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I get the vibe that Bedtime Stories could be the “edgier” Scary Tales: DEA. Right down to the “leading lady” being a more monsterous Del Toroian creature Tooth Fairy rather than The Wicked Witch.

DEA without the comedic leaning voice lines, Humpty Dumpty, etc.

As a massive comic nerd, “Dark Multiverse” DEA.

That would be nice (biggest complaint about DEA). I hope it’s not to DEA what Transformers is to Spidey—given that Monsters last year used two scenes that were in DEA (underwater and mirror maze), could be indication that it’ll do something different. :)
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The big reveal will be insane. Brings me back to the old days.
Man, I use to wit up all night on the day of the reveal just to see what the website would look like. I remember the interactive sites and the games. Sigh. . .

So TCM is a go? I dunno but to me it's on the bottom of my IP list to bring back. Each rendition I have experienced at HHN all seemed the same with the best being in Distarter! extended queue.
I can’t believe how much better the under water scene worked for monsters then it did scary tales! Truly hated it in scary tales and it was my favorite in monsters!

Regarding the underwater scene for CftBL in UM, was it really the same set from ST:DEA? For the Little Mermaid scene in ST, it was a underwater cave for one small turn and then the rest was giant kelp/seaweed walls on both sides. Meanwhile the Creature's lair in UM was a underwater cave the whole way through, it honestly didn't feel like it was the same scene.
Regarding the underwater scene for CftBL in UM, was it really the same set from ST:DEA? For the Little Mermaid scene in ST, it was a underwater cave for one small turn and then the rest was giant kelp/seaweed walls on both sides. Meanwhile the Creature's lair in UM was a underwater cave the whole way through, it honestly didn't feel like it was the same scene.
Same scene “design” but new build. 95% of builds are new every year. It’s decor that gets reused.
Ok so I suppose I'm completely out of the loop here. When did Beetlejuice go from Scarezone to a House? I feel like I've got whiplash trying to catch up on everything.
I gotta say the back of the park is gonna be a highlight this year. Hill House, Dungeon, Pumpkin King, TCM, and likely Billie are all gonna be back there.

If anything, this year seems like it’s gonna be a grittier version of 28 to me.
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Lmao! It’s going to be hilarious if Billie ends up being HOTY.

It won’t be simply because the criteria for HOTY is primarily A&D’s favorite designs. In the situation of Billie, A&D told marketing they didn’t want to do it, and were told too bad. The design of the house will undoubtedly suffer. It may end up with a great cast, but in that case, like Blumhouse 2017, it still won’t matter for HOTY. Hell Blumhouse 2017 didn’t even get HotW.

The operations of this year’s event also brings up another good point: how much does all this actually matter considering they have to limit capacity? Wouldn’t it be smart to reuse old props and do a fan-centric line up then have Billie ready to go for next year when they can really pump people through the event?
I gotta say the back of the park is gonna be a highlight this year. Hill House, Dungeon, Pumpkin King, TCM, and likely Billie are all gonna be back there.

If anything, this year seems like it’s gonna be a grittier version of 28 to me.
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I’m betting TCM will be Shrek. Just have a gut feeling Billie will be in MIB
It is not.
A good call IMO. The MIB tent has got to be one of the smaller queues used, so probably not the best idea for a marquee name like Billie to be there (although if lines are all virtual then I guess that logic wouldn't really matter).

Then again, do they even consider something like demand vs. available queue space when deciding what house goes where, or is it just an afterthought?
A good call IMO. The MIB tent has got to be one of the smaller queues used, so probably not the best idea for a marquee name like Billie to be there (although if lines are all virtual then I guess that logic wouldn't really matter).

Then again, do they even consider something like demand vs. available queue space when deciding what house goes where, or is it just an afterthought?

Cue the “Surprise, neither are in MIB!”. Ey, if the “advertisement” IPs finally get equally spread through front and back, I have little complaint on location.
Okay, I'm going to walk a line real quick here. I have made almost no posts regarding COVID. But the mood in here can get pretty depressing at times, so I am going to give some hopeful & positive information, then tie it into speculation. So please bear with me here.

Today, in the US, we had "only" 373 COVID deaths (and I put "only" in quotes because it still really, really sucks and I am in no way trying to trivialize any deaths). That is the least we've had in 70 days (since March 28). So the positive news is that as I've been tracking daily comparing apples to apples (last Sunday to this Sunday, last Saturday to this Saturday, etc), the number has been falling significantly. So that is the positive news I come bearing.

The tie-in to the speculation is this. We've seen the safety measures implemented by Universal Orlando starting June 1st for regular parks, and either experienced or heard how they have worked. And, we've all seen the "speculation" safety measures that were dropped a few days ago (that @Legacy kind of confirmed that he was hearing a while ago) for how they MIGHT handle HHN. My speculation question is: IF this declining trend in COVID deaths continues, what do you all speculate changes with the safety precautions? Obviously, these precautions don't just happen overnight - they take a while to plan for, create, and implement. I would imagine the same would go for scaling back the precautions - it can't just be done in a day or two. If they've already structured the event to go off in a certain way, how much time would be needed before September 10 to change the protocols?

For example, let's say on August 20 it's "declared" that we're pretty much but not totally in the clear...would 20 days be enough to scrap, change, or redirect all the protocols they've set up? I know the houses will basically already be set and difficult to change, but could they loosen the SZ restrictions, dump or change the app strictness, etc (etc being anything related to how they have set HHN 30 up to be executed)?

Sorry if this is taboo here - I haven't delved into this subject at all, but I thought good news is something we all need, and with it brings some speculation questions that we haven't really discussed.
Okay, I'm going to walk a line real quick here. I have made almost no posts regarding COVID. But the mood in here can get pretty depressing at times, so I am going to give some hopeful & positive information, then tie it into speculation. So please bear with me here.

Today, in the US, we had "only" 373 COVID deaths (and I put "only" in quotes because it still really, really sucks and I am in no way trying to trivialize any deaths). That is the least we've had in 70 days (since March 28). So the positive news is that as I've been tracking daily comparing apples to apples (last Sunday to this Sunday, last Saturday to this Saturday, etc), the number has been falling significantly. So that is the positive news I come bearing.

The tie-in to the speculation is this. We've seen the safety measures implemented by Universal Orlando starting June 1st for regular parks, and either experienced or heard how they have worked. And, we've all seen the "speculation" safety measures that were dropped a few days ago (that @Legacy kind of confirmed that he was hearing a while ago) for how they MIGHT handle HHN. My speculation question is: IF this declining trend in COVID deaths continues, what do you all speculate changes with the safety precautions? Obviously, these precautions don't just happen overnight - they take a while to plan for, create, and implement. I would imagine the same would go for scaling back the precautions - it can't just be done in a day or two. If they've already structured the event to go off in a certain way, how much time would be needed before September 10 to change the protocols?

For example, let's say on August 20 it's "declared" that we're pretty much but not totally in the clear...would 20 days be enough to scrap, change, or redirect all the protocols they've set up? I know the houses will basically already be set and difficult to change, but could they loosen the SZ restrictions, dump or change the app strictness, etc (etc being anything related to how they have set HHN 30 up to be executed)?

Sorry if this is taboo here - I haven't delved into this subject at all, but I thought good news is something we all need, and with it brings some speculation questions that we haven't really discussed.

Again not the place for this discussion, but a backlog occurs over the weekends for testing results that causes a spike of cases and deaths on Mondays. Watch the data that comes in during the week.
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