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Halloween Horror Nights 32 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors

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The barn last year was amazing and the greatest thing they have done in the park. It's Honestly the greatest prop they have ever put here because it was immersive, it allowed for actors to be on the second floor. It gave actors in the first floor places to hide. It was full of props and it didn't hurt the crowd flow.
I really wish this barn structure returned every single year. Change the theme or props but I wanna see it again. It was so amazing

But yes. I wish all props were inside the fence.

No. Hard disagree. Strongly disagree on getting rid of one scaresone, because the years we had with scatezones were absolutely awful. Absolutely very awful.
Obviously I love Halloween decorations and I love more props around citywalk or around the resort. But the worst years for the streets of hhn were the ones of only 4 zones because the park truly felt empty
I will take a crappy zone over no 5th zone any day. I remember the year we only had 4 zones and when the house lines got too long, it really sucked.
I really hope we never go to 4 zones or less again.

I never care much for nightclubs but I spent hours in dead coconut club. Literally hours just hanging out.
Amd I got to meet Frankenstein and dracula and it was really awesome. It was so great. One of the coolest times
No those years with one less scare zone were not any worse then it is now. At best it‘s an exaggeration. Truth be told I would prefer larger zones over more. And honestly with how bad of a bottleneck Central Park has been nearly every year, you really think having the same amount of zones will keep the crowds from bottlenecking? Again Central Park having a zone there is exactly why there is a bottleneck. San Francisco was better last year cause they laid out the zone better but it could still be too crowded and Central Park is just horrendous. I honestly don’t know if it’s salvageable as a zone.

I honestly would still just prefer for them to just extend the zones. Hollywood could bleed into the area right in front of Mel’s for example. But I can certainly tell you that removing a zone wouldn’t make much difference, if at all. You mentioned years with less zones and the last one like that was 24 and it was nowhere near the crowd levels of 28 or 29 or even 31 in October.
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No those years with one less scare zone were not any worse then it is now. At best it‘s an exaggeration. Truth be told I would prefer larger zones over more. And honestly with how bad of a bottleneck Central Park has been nearly every year, you really think having the same amount of zones will keep the crowds from bottlenecking? Again Central Park having a zone there is exactly why there is a bottleneck. San Francisco was better last year cause they laid out the zone better but it could still be too crowded and Central Park is just horrendous. I honestly don’t know if it’s salvageable as a zone.

I honestly would still just prefer for them to just extend the zones. Hollywood could bleed into the area right in front of Mel’s for example. But I can certainly tell you that removing a zone wouldn’t make much difference, if at all. You mentioned years with less zones and the last one like that was 24 and it was nowhere near the crowd levels of 28 or 29 or even 31 in October.

24 streets felt very barren. The crowd today might not be great but 24 barely felt like hhn was taking place. Like when 2012 had the hordes. Ends up feeling like hhn is barely taking place.

The crowds are bad some days but not Every single day and not at every single hour. It's not like is hell week every single hour of every single day.
But hhn 24 and 2012, or other years with smaller zones, it didn't feel very hhn. A lot was missing.
24 streets felt very barren. The crowd today might not be great but 24 barely felt like hhn was taking place. Like when 2012 had the hordes. Ends up feeling like hhn is barely taking place.

The crowds are bad some days but not Every single day and not at every single hour. It's not like is hell week every single hour of every single day.
But hhn 24 and 2012, or other years with smaller zones, it didn't feel very hhn. A lot was missing.
Those years definitely fealt like HHN. Did you go in 2006? 4 scare zones and absolutely was HHN. You would have hated the 90s. They had one scare zone. For several years in a row mind you. And that’s not counting how there was a time in this events history where there were no scare zones.

Anyway this conversation is getting off topic. You can have your opinion obviously. But honestly it’s still not a great take. You way over exaggerate how much one extra scare zone adds to the event.
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Those years definitely dealt like HHN. Did you go in 2006? 4 scare zones and absolutely was HHN. You would have hated the 90s. They had one scare zone. For several years in a row mind you. And that’s not counting how there was a time in this events history where there were no scare zones.

Anyway this conversation is getting off topic. You can have your opinion obviously. But honestly it’s still not a great take. You way over exaggerate how much one extra scare zone adds to the event.

Virtually no one who went to event in the '90s still posts here.
Kind of crazy to think about someone going to the 90s HHNs still active. My first HNN was HHN 28 and I was 34. Just imagine if I started going to HHN 1 at 34 and still active here in approaching 60! :eek:
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As found by Sal:

Also, Legacy may be hinting on the Discord that instead of Horrors of Blumhouse, we may be seeing individual houses for multiple Blumhouse properties?

It's fake, look up the serial number.

Ok so most of you (all of you?) didn’t get my point about scare zones and that’s fine. If you somehow think one less scare zone at HHN makes it not feel like HHN anymore, you do you. I’ll still think you‘re being dumb, but you do you.
Ok so most of you (all of you?) didn’t get my point about scare zones and that’s fine. If you somehow think one less scare zone at HHN makes it not feel like HHN anymore, you do you. I’ll still think you‘re being dumb, but you do you.

I think we can make our points without resorting to calling opinions dumb. Lacking historical context, sure. But let's try to be thoughtful in how we're having these conversations, even when they frustrate us.
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